Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Check out my Blog Design Business! And an update on Bekah...

I did it. I took the plunge. I've created my blog design business. I'm super excited for you to check out Vivid Design Studio...and I'd love to see some of your smiley faces over there too! After all....I can't keep switching my look up 24/7. What can I say? My fingers keep twitching--I gotta keep creating! So hopefully I'll be able to create your design for you. And code it...Have I ever mentioned that CSS is aaamazing? No? Well, now I have. That and HTML make a perfect pair. What can I say? I'm analytical and oddie. That's fine by me. :-)

So what are you waiting for?! Go check it out!
Vivid Design Studio - Custom Designs by Hannah Nicole


And an update on Bekah...I talked to her earlier on the phone and she seemed a lot better. Very tired, but definitely not feeling as yucky as yesterday. She received her first blood transfusion at midnight, last night, because she has a rare blood type so it took a bit for it to get there. Her last transfusion was around three, and she is now HOME! Thank you all for your prayers! She has a checkup on Friday but she should be all right...for now, she's resting herself up. Head over to her blog and give her some love--she's had a rough few days and I'm sure she'd really appreciate it. I know that she felt so encouraged and touched by all of your prayers...she told me so herself. :-)


Side note...giveaway winners as well as next week's giveaways will be announced/posted tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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