Sunday, December 26, 2010


I'm sitting here, drinking some candy cane tea and munching on a ginger snap cookie. Lego creations are been built, toys are scattered haphazardly throughout the house in a way that lends to a cozy atmosphere and sunlight is streaming in through the windows. The snow outside is piled higher than our mailbox, we've reached a high of 23 for the temperature, and inside, it's warm. It may be cliche and oh-so-corny to say that the whole house is brimming with happiness, but it's true. There's a feeling of joy and peace that permeates through all the laughter and "Mom, see what I built!"

Our Christmas was good. Blessed. A gift. I'm grateful for every smile, laugh, and moment of surprise when a family member opened a present. A small amount of cookies still remain, but they're steadily decreasing as various family members ask, "anyone want a cookie?" when going out to the garage to grab a couple from the cookie tins.

Lately, I've just been overwhelmed by how big and beautiful life is -- and not only that, but how big and amazing and
our God is. There are so many things to do, places to see, and moments to cherish. Photos to take, songs to sing, ballets to dance. Laughter to share, smiles to bring, and times of worship and prayer to come.

It's my prayer that in this coming year, my relationship with my Savior would deepen and be strengthened -- if that means that I'll weather trials, then I will. I want to be fully alive and completely in love with Jesus. I hope that in everything, Christ would be glorified. My life is all for Him, and in this coming year, I hope that that would become even more plain to see.

This Christmas was beautiful and blessed, and I'm feeling at peace right now, and very washed in love. My Jesus is good and He saves. He gives and takes away, but no matter what, praise the Lord. He's doing so much in my life right now, and I'm excited to see what the New Year brings. I'm grateful, so very, very, grateful.

How was your Christmas?

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