Tuesday, December 28, 2010

(not resolutions) dreams, goals, and hopes for 2011

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850

this year...

I want to make a difference

I would love to start my photography business

I want to be more and more grateful, everyday

I hope to become more creative

I dream of becoming more of the woman that God made me as
I pray that I would grow in faith, love, and hope

I want to laugh more
and love deeper

I'm going to work on NOT caring about appearances
and weight
and material posessions
and instead, care about what Jesus thinks
and live knowing that I am
and loved.
I want to read my bible every day, every morning
and afterwords, pray

take time to play with my little siblings
even if it means that I don't finish
that blog post

be on the computer less and outside
or inside

take more and more photos
and not worry
that there's a bit of noise

sing louder
even if my voice breaks

become more confident

soften my tongue

stretch every day

praise Jesus more
when life is good
or in the midst of the

STOP biting my nails

learn to cook more
and make pastries
and cookies
(and then take pictures)

become a better daughter, sister,
and friend

help out more
even when it's an inconvenience
to me

pray for a servant's heart

start playing piano again

take voice lessons

make the best of what I have
and be
grateful for it

look and celebrate
the little things

become a spontaneous
gift giver

read more books

keep my room clean

try some crafts and diy projects
even if they turn out looking
like a five year old
made it

get my photos
and put in my room

paint my room

take time to tell my family
and friends
that I appreciate, like,
and love

use color more

stop using the word "more" in every other sentence.

wake up earlier
and take pictures of the


draw closer to my Savior
and praise Him


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