Friday, December 10, 2010

Guess what today is...

See this tin?
Very shortly, this tin, along with several others, countless boxes, and numerous tupperware containers will be filled to the brim with delicious Holiday treats.

I'm talking Christmas cookies. The melt-in-your-mouth goodies that range from spritz, to gingerbread, to snickerdoodles, and back to sugar cookies. The meringues, Swedish cookies, and chocolate pinwheels. Don't even get me started on the almond bark or the Russian tea cakes.
This is one day where we go all out -- as visibly evident by the forty pounds of butter in the fridge (okay, there's only about five). From scouring old cookbooks and holiday Christmas recipes to making the dough, popping it into the oven, to letting it cool, and then onto decorating. Frosting, sugar, sprinkles, peppermint, candy, cranberries, chocolate, nuts, mints, candy-canes, and all manner of sweets finish our Holiday fare.

Christmas music is playing full blast, the oven is on, and cookbooks and butter are scattered across the counter haphazardly. The kitchen is spotless, the dishes clean, and the all-important job of making Christmas treats visible in every item still left out.
Excitement is present in the flushed faces of my brothers as they switch from staring outside into the cold and snowy world and back to the kitchen where all manners of goodies are being created and prepared. A spirit of joy and happiness abounds and there's a feeling of goodwill that fills the air as much as the smells of freshly backed treats.

We're laughing and talking and making cookies and chocolates that we'll try to make last until Christmas, yet, even despite our best efforts, we'll have to go and make some more. Thus another day of happy chaos will come and more cookies will line the top of the freezer outside, chilling until they're ready to be devoured. Which, in our household, is always sooner than later.
The Christmas tree is up, the lights are twinkling, holiday decorations hanging from the walls, and the sweet sounds of A Charlie Brown Christmas, The Nutcracker, 42 Christmas Favorites, or other classic Christmas CD's fill the air. And the whole house is brimming in anticipation of the event that's finally here.

It's Christmas cookie making day, baby. And I'm excited.

Do you have any Christmas traditions?

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