Thursday, June 10, 2010

Well....I did it.

Remember my summer resolutions list? Y'know, the longer, relaxed one, and the shorter, more serious one. They were just things that I wanted to do this summer--goals and dreams for the summer. And yesterday, I did one of those dreams on my shorter list.

Last night, I sat outside with my bowl of popcorn, watching the sunset.

It wasn't planned. I had made popcorn and my dad had called my mom to tell her about this gorgeous sunset that she needed to see so I went outside. And I saw the bowl of popcorn in my hands and I laughed.

So I walked into that backyard and plunked myself down in the grass and stared at that sky. I wish I had gotten a picture that was able to adequately capture it. I missed the beginning, but the end was beautiful. There was such a brilliant, vivid magenta, and purples and oranges and reds. The sky was just painted in swirls of colors, that slowly faded and dimmed to a soft, dark, bluish gray.

And I just sat there, munching away at my popcorn and just looking at the sky. I raised my arms and just praised my God...because really, when you look at something like that, you just wanna sing in adoration. My neighbors probably thought I was insane; sitting in the grass in the setting sun with all the mosquitos, eating popcorn and raising my arms. But that's okay. I'll praise my God even if that makes me the odd one out.

And y'know something else? I wanna do it again. Like I said, I missed the beginning and so for the ending I didn't get to see as much, because it was caught between two trees, and as it faded and sunk lower, so did my glimpse of it. I'm gonna go sit out there again, popcorn and maybe some iced tea in hand and watch my sunsets.

Raising my arms and singing Hallelujah.

My mom took this picture last year on our vacation to Woodland...the colors last night were even vivider than that beauty.


As a side note, if you're looking to see more beauty, check out my sister's photography blog--she really has an eye for it.

Cocoella Photography

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