Monday, April 2, 2012

my manifesto

Do everything to the glory of God. Work hard and do what you love — make art that matters. Be a blessing, be innovative, and be open. Dig your roots deep, don’t be afraid of change, and dream. Mostly, do. Work crazy hard and be thankful. Let your gratefulness be contagious and your joy unquenchable. Don’t be conformed, be transformed, and give all the glory, honor, and praise to Him. Love deep and live fierce. Be.

Eat pie at three in the morning if you feel like it, listen to music that you love, laugh more than you frown. Take time to celebrate life, love deeper, and remember that today is a good day to be alive. Paint with words and acrylics, let your hair go long, and jump in the lake without hesitation. Have impromptu dinner parties where the only thing you watch is the stars and sit beside a campfire till even the mosquitoes have gone to sleep. Be bold, be spontaneous, be creative, and be you. Embrace who you are and follow every ungrateful thought with three things you’re thankful for. Worship God and pursue him passionately. Fall more in love with Christ everyday.

Wake up early to watch sunrises. Backpack across Europe, backpack across the US, backpack around your state, backpack in your backyard, backpack. Go travel and remember that coming home is the sweetest. Run outside and take time to play with the littles, laughing with them. Don't be afraid to be silly. Love God, and love people unashamedly, unconditionally, extravagantly, and wholeheartedly. Do the hard things. Love the simple things. Make the most of things.

Eat good food. Exercise to be fit, not to be skinny. Run because you love it. Take the time to make it yourself. Grow gardens and get messy, get in the dirt. Laugh more. Live more. Give gifts to people you love. Don’t stress. Don’t stress. Don’t stress. Life is too short for disappointments and frustrations. Be grateful with what you have and allow yourself to be happy. Don’t pretend to like something you don’t and don’t change yourself. Remember that your identity is in Christ.

Give, love, and live extravagantly. Be quiet and still and start your days with Christ. Take walks, meander through the woods, and sit on docks, watching the water. Appreciate the here and now while still being excited for the future. Tell everyday stories of a bigger story. And remember…you’re only passing through this earth. It is not your home. Live the kingdom here on earth. Share the Gospel, sing praise, and let your life be a reflection of Christ. Always.

Love deeper and live fiercer.

That’s my manifesto.

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