Sunday, October 14, 2012

abby // portraits

This is Abby, who's not only a senior, but also my cousin (second cousin, really, but same deal). The wonderful thing about family is that no matter the distance or time, you're still family. Any nervousness falls away after the first hug and the rest of your time together is like being with your best friends. I love family and I especially love being able to take photos of my family. What a cool thing to come alongside people -- as they're barely born, as they're graduating, as they're in love, as they're getting married, and as they're surrounded by their own little families -- and to be there to tell a little of their story.

Abby is graduating this spring and I'm super excited for her. She has big dreams and big plans and I can't wait to see where she goes in the next few years. I loved being able to not only take her photos, but reconnect after a few months of only Facebook to chat. Because while it's wonderful to be able to talk online, face to face chats (preferably with coffee in hand c:) are the best. It was windy and wonderful the day we took her senior photos and we laughed a lot.

Happy Monday!

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