Monday, September 10, 2012

september is for beginning adventures.

"this year, I will see and appreciate the beauty of the normal things within my sight.
I will gladly stumble around, break the rules, and share from the heart, even when no one else understands the work but me.
I will worry less about what I look like, and revel more in deep gratitude and thankfulness for my one wild, and precious life.
and I won't let fear hold me back."
- we are the parsons

Sometimes, September feels more like the new year than January does, and when autumn comes around, it's as if the world is saying hello again, saying to just breathe, saying, "look up, look around, this is your life and it's beautiful." F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall," and his words resonate so much with me. I've always been an autumn girl, and so I'm especially excited to close the chapter of sticky summers to welcome autumn -- crispness in the air, leaves turning from the first blush of spring to flaming reds, spicy chais and apple cider and harvest days, long woolen sweaters and bonfires in chilly air, the way every new morning feels more like a song than the one before.

Ellie and I are doing a three six five, from September 1, 2012, to September 1, 2013. And starting a new project with the purpose of cultivating a spirit of gratitude through learning to see and appreciate the beauty of normal things, in the fall, seems to fit as the world starts and begins anew again. First week of fall (despite the calendar's thoughts of the first day of fall being on September 22nd, I'd have to disagree and say it begins on the first) and the first ten photos out of three hundred and sixty five. New beginnings and new projects and new days. Like I said, autumn is my favorite. :)

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