Wednesday, September 12, 2012

currently...(v. 2)

Sammy walking around in jammies and rubber boots, card games being played at the table, trees waving their branches in the wind, rain finally falling, a bird dropping below the clouds and swooping across grey skies
Chocolate chip cinnamon gluten free pancakes, white ayurvedic tea, cream cheese and pomegranate jalapeƱo jelly with tortilla chips (not all at once!), fresh yellow raspberries from grandpa's garden, German rock sugar (shh...eating it like candy)
Pride and Prejudice Film Score, cards being shuffled, the sound of the boys playing legos, little feet running up and down the stairs, laughter, the dishwasher running, apples being sliced on wooden cutting boards
cinnamon, misty air smelling of sky, tea brewing
Flour on my hands, busy, excited for new things, piano keys under my fingers and the pedal at my feet, ready for autumn

We've slipped into school swiftly and easily, and our days have settled into less of a routine and more of ordinary days full of math lessons and science experiments and making apple desserts for lunch. While it's not quite fall weather over here, we're counting down the days until sweaters are an everyday thing, pumpkin bars with cream cheese make up an after-school treat, and the brilliance of the leaves beckons us outside to enjoy the crispness in the sky.

All and all, it's been a wonderful past few weeks. What are you up to, friends?

much love,

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