Tuesday, February 14, 2012

my life in pins

So we're all hopelessly addicted to pinterest, right? Raise your hands -- hey! you, in the back there, I see you. I know. Just admit it. It's like a free candy store for chocoholics. Except, instead of chocoholics, we're artists, and we eat up inspiration like chocolate. (like my metaphor there? pretty snazzy, right? moving on) Photos, recipes, diys, words, music & videos...everything that makes me go tick. Want to see photos from a trip to Ireland? Boom. It's there. Searching for a perfect apple beignet recipe? You've got it. Hopelessly uninspired? Look around and you'll find images and text like crazy. Need to find a last minute gift to make? Pin, pin, pin!

My friend Liv has a fun challenge going on her blog right now...sum up your life in pins. So here's me, summed up, in a few images. I suppose "sum up" isn't the right word. Because it's hard enough to sum up your life in 50000 words. But they say an image is worth a 1000 words, so I suppose if I put up fifty or so pins...

(did I mention that sarcasm is my specialty?)

Anyways. Basically, the gist of it is to choose a few images from your pinboards that describe you. Funny, serious, moody, sarcastic, lovely, thoughtful, happy, colorful, bright, melancholy, silly, loveable, so beautiful you want to cry -- you name it! Pick a few (I limited myself to fifteen...otherwise we might be here all day) and share them with us. Write your post and head over to Olivia Erickson to link up. I'd love to see your life in pins. Because like I said, I love chocolate -- real AND metaphorically. (see how I worked that in there?)

Source: flickr.com via Hannah on Pinterest

Let me tell you...it was really difficult to choose fifteen pins that best described me out of 1881. These aren't even perfect, but they're close. What I love about pinterest is going through past pins and seeing how my inspiration has evolved (insert cheesiness here). I'm beginning to figure out what exactly inspires me and why, and how to channel that into my work. Like Picasso said: "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." So link up with Liv, sum up your life in fifteen (or fifty) or so pins, and tell us why you love what you love! (and if your love language is chocolate, then we might just be friends)

Happy Valentines Day!


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