Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas thankful thoughts

I'm so ready and excited for this weekend. It's my favorite of the year. Celebrating with family, eating more Christmas cookies than I care to remember, laughing, talking, and spending the day together. Rejoicing in Jesus' birth and being with family. Some things I'm thankful for from this past week...

Caleb sitting at the table reading Calvin and Hobbes
and hiding from me, behind the pages
laughing at Calvin's antics

Making Christmas cookies
all gluten free and oh-so-delicious
and eating them
(just one more)

a certain little boys who asked for
just one more cookie
after only eating eight or so

the same little boy frosting cookies
and licking the frosting
that he called "butter"

Shopping with my grandma, aunt, sister, and mom,
part of the day yesterday,
target was crazy, but very fun,
and I love being with them

Gluten-free Thumbprint cookies
topped with raspberry or apricot jam
very, very good
(I have a feeling half of my thankful list will be about cookies)

Gracie, sitting at the table,
writing Christmas cards to family members
wishing them a holly jolly Christmas
hoping they'll like their gifts
and drawing illustrations of Santa and his reindeer
(so cute)

Singing in church on Sunday
and helping lead worship for the Christmas Program

Also, watching my siblings sing, say their lines,
and in Grace's case,
do a worship dance
it was beautiful.
(thanks to my mom for snapping this photo of me!)

Gluten-free flours
that help these cookies to rise
and taste even better than
gluten cookies.
(see, I told you cookies were taking top priority here)

Our Christmas Tree
Covered in lights and ornaments
and years of memories

The many peanut butter and jelly (or just peanut butter) sandwiches we've made
a perfect lunch or snack
that is one of Caleb's favorite

The pickle ornament that I put up
without breaking it
for the first time in four years
(I kid you not)

Grace's homemade gifts
wrapped in different patterned fabrics
and tied with sparkly pipe-cleaners

A few flurries falling on Thursday
that made me believe we might have snow
(it's still brown but I'm still hoping)

Photos from when we decorated our tree
when our living room was filled with red bins
and scattered with miscellaneous ornaments
from when my mom was a baby to now

Christmas traditions
like Christmas morning brunch at my grandmas

with all my family (aunts, cousin, uncle, siblings, grandparents, and my parents)
eating homemade cinnamon rolls, bacon and sausage, eggbake, and clementines
scattered throughout the main level

Freshly popped popcorn
drizzled with melted white chocolate
and sprinkled with red and green sugar
that lasted all of an hour


my family
I love them so much, am so grateful for them,
and can't wait to spend all weekend with them.

what are you thankful for?
Have a beautiful, joy-filled Christmas!

linking up with my mom
friday favorite things | finding joy

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