Tuesday, June 26, 2012

my why and portraits of gracie

I tried to write something different than what I've said before, but I can only reiterate what I've written time and time again.

One of my "whys" behind why I photograph is this...I am committed to finding the good and celebrating the beauty in the ordinary and the everyday. My mom writes a blog called finding joy that is her journey to find and live in joy everyday. We've had several seasons of life that have been hard -- including when my dad had cancer and when Samuel was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Her mission to be thankful despite the circumstances, joyful in the midst of hard times, has become more than one of our family's goals, it has become a lifestyle.

It's not always easy. It's much simpler to complain and choose to chase happiness. But happiness is fleeting and dependent on circumstances. Joy is rooted and thankful despite the hard curveballs of life, even when walking in the valleys. Finding joy, has become a place to lean off of in my photography. As it is so prominent in my life, it's trickled and percolated into my art. Which is why one of my "whys" of photography is to celebrate the good in the midst of the hard things, and to show the beauty of who people are, wherever they are. Real, raw moments.

Photos aren't only for special occasions -- they're for celebrating life, as it is.

And that's what I want to do.

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