Saturday, November 12, 2011

thankful thoughts

This week I'm thankful for...

Mad Libs at Barnes and Noble with friends, twenty minutes till closing, and the laughter from it
Tall Peppermint Mochas + Gingerbread Lattes at Starbucks
Starbucks' Red Cups (yay! I admit it...the fact that they're back made my day)
Playing Mancala with my sisters and mom
Orange juice and tonic water at the Table
My Grandparents over for dinner
The sun breaking out from the clouds
friends and photos that are so inspiring
Rereading Food Network Magazines
the arrival of Kinfolk Mag
a brisk chill in the air that speaks of snow
pictures of my family
silly Eli playing with his sword
portraits taken at 11:11 AM on 11/11/11 (yes, I did.)
early morning movies + chats with close friends
meeting people in the most random places who are gluten free, and hearing their stories
Samuel's cute face
Caleb talking to my dad, asking if, "his folks," were coming over. (he makes me laugh)
yummy gluten-free chocolate cake
laughing with my mom
the fact that the Halloween has been replaced by Christmas at Target
Journaling (is that even a word?)
finding so many recipes that I want to make
socks, scarves, and sweaters
this video and these photos
change and business with a dash of craziness
sunsets and golden hour and light in general
my family (so very thankful)

what are you thankful for?

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