joining my mom for
friday favorite things
during the past few months, I've been growing,
blossoming, being pruned, and changing,
and becoming the woman the Lord created me as.
I feel like a butterfly,
still poking its way out of the chrysalis
emerging with bright wings
and dreams of flying
and through this time,
I've learned several things.
i am learning...
Jesus has to come first
Lord, let this be the cry of my heart.
what I do or don't do today
matters perhaps more
the way we see Jesus
directly affects how we see life;
when we live differently
we see differently.
Lord, fix my eyes on you.
I am somewhat of a journaler
journaler isn't a word
I am not defined by the world and its lies
but instead
am made whole at the foot of the cross
I am the most beautiful
when I am filled with the fire of God
and not when
wearing the latest clothes
trendiest makeup
or cutest hairstyle
is gritty, messy, hard, and
and it's a choice to see that God-given beauty
in the midst of the everyday.
I don't need to pretend to have it all together.
I flounder, fall, fake, flip-out, and fail,
but in Jesus,
I am loved, redeemed, forgiven and
Family is forever
and relationships
need to be nurtured
I may prefer tea over coffee
and it's okay.
Life is not a popularity game to be won
but a glorious collaboration where the body of Christ
lives out the commands He gives
Little boy smiles are some of the
sweetest things
Letting go of things,
releasing them to Jesus
and asking for forgiveness
is something I'm working on
I have some of the best friends
in the world
Sunny days and peach ginger floats
are some of my favorites
It doesn't have to be
big or expensive
to be beautiful
I'm a storyteller.
life is a gift.
I'm not going to live like I'm stuffed on a shelf,
waiting to be opened,
then forgot about.
Instead, I want to live everyday,
intentionally, authentically and
I'm realizing more and more
how good God is.
today is short.
I want to use every second;
I want to spend my life soaking every
drop of God's love up.
Lord, make me like a sponge.
So grateful for all the comments yesterday
your sweet words
and how you showered Sammy,
and our whole family,
in prayer.
Grateful, sweet friends.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Your friendship makes one of my friday favorite things -- so thankful for you all.
Blessed to call you my blogging buddies.
Loads and loads like laundry of love.
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