Friday, May 6, 2011

I will not be silent.

May is Celiac disease awareness month.
This is my brother Sam.

And he has Celiac Disease.

He was diagnosed at 16 mo. and it's completely changed the way I look at so many things. Food. Family. Life.
His system is unable to handle anything with gluten and the amount of everyday, ordinary, items that contain gluten is disheartening. Salami. Salad Dressing. Soy Sauce.

We purchase food that he can eat. We try to eat meals gluten free. But we still eat gluten-filled foods. Sam sees that. He knows that he's not eating what we are. And it bugs him. He cries for it. He knows that something is different with Him and us.

Celiac Disease is not something that can be taken lightly. This is a life-threatening disease that if not treated, can be fatal. Why? Because for an individual with Celiac Disease their intestinal system becomes unable to absorb nutrients from food. Undiagnosed and untreated cases can lead to diabetes, cancers and other auto-immune diseases.
The only cure is to not eat gluten.

Sam can't go out to eat. Even "gluten-free" menu items can be contaminated. If you put a piece of gluten-free meat on the grill where something with gluten was just placed, it is now contaminated. Just that little contact can cause damage and pain to Sam's system.

I support 1 in 133.

This is for Samuel. It's for all those out there who have undiagnosed or unrecognized cases. It's for the people who live daily with this disease called Celiac.

I will not be silent.

This is too important.

This is too near.
Would you consider signing the pledge to support gluten-free food labeling? I can't count how many times we've gone shopping and have come back frustrated at the lack of clarity regarding gluten it may-or-may-not contain. Clarity that we need to have. If the food is contaminated, we need to know.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

For more information about Celiac Disease, click here.
What is Celiac? (info about what it really is)
Interested in Samuel's story? (and part two -- both on my mom's blog)

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