Anyone remember when I asked my readers to ask me a question? Well, oh my goodness! There were a lot more questions than I thought. But I had so much fun reading over them and then answering them.
Note: As there were several repeat questions, if you asked me something and didn't see it answered, it's somewhere else in the post. :)
Maggie asked...How many hours do you spend at the dance studio every week? What do you spend that time doing? How long have you been doing pointe? And having size 10 feet, I need to know, is the rumor true that your feet can get up to 1 size smaller from pointe? Where do you get the inspiration for your posts? Who is your favorite blogger? How and where did you learn so much about HTML? (and later) 1. What kind of writing class are you taking? Where are you taking it? (it doesn't have to be the exact place, just like local college, for homeschool, etc. I am just curious to know where I can look for a writing class. :-) 2. What homeschool program/ciriculom (sp?) do you use? 3. Who is your favorite photographer? 4. How many page views do you get every day? what is the link to the writers message board that you are/were apart of that helped you improve your writing so much?
I spend roughly 10-13 hours at the studio every week. I teach on Monday nights for an hour, and on Saturday morning's from 10:30-11:30, I have pilates. The rest is spent doing ballet. I've been doing pointe since last summer, and I love it! And, my feet HAVE gone down a size. I used to wear an 8 1/2 shoe size, and I'm down to a 7 1/2 from pointe. So for me at least, the rumor is definitely true. ;-)
Oh, goodness. I get inspiration from so many things--photos, other posts of mine (and other people), good art, a verse, something in my life, something that I've felt on my heart, and anything in between. I guess you could say that I get my inspiration from many places. :-)
I don't have a favorite blogger, but I do love Ree, Kelle (I started following her blog back when I think she had 1000 some followers, and I've emailed her and she's emailed me back!) Amanda, Carissa, Lynnette, Abigail (even though she hasn't blogged forever!), and Carlotta. There are other bloggers that I enjoy, but if I listed them all, I'd take up this whole post. You know who you are! :)
For HTML, I've always loved gorgeous blogs and sites, and I didn't want to have someone else create it for me, so I started tinkering with my HTML, viewing source code (eep! I know), and googling things that I didn't know. The real help for me was when I got the Head First XHTML & CSS for Christmas--I would recommend it to any aspiring web designer who's still braving the jungles of code without a map! ;)
I'm taking a class not focused on serious novel writing, but on all aspects of writing, such as essays, short stories, biographys, etc...It's called Writing Foundations, and I believe that the teacher offers it online.
I use so many different programs and curriculum for my school. Let me see if I can think of them all: Saxon Math, Apologia Science, Beautiful Feet History, LLATL British Literature, 12th Grade Daily Grams, Rosetta Stone Italian, My Writing Class for writing, and then we're doing some root words this year. I probably missed something there, but oh well. ;)
I was actually thinking of putting a page up with my favorites. Stay tuned...;)
I don't know the average, but yesterday I had 1,296 page views.
And the Message Board was actually the Nickelodean Story Boards; I was on them from I think 10-11 (maybe a bit when I was 12). They really just solidified my writing style, funny as it sounds. Though I was little, so that's not saying much...I did have a very popular story though! hee hee...
Ashley Jean asked...I have one question just for the fun of it...In football terms, Minnesota Vikings or Green Bay Packers?
I have to stay true to my roots! (ha!) Vikings all the way! Though truthfully, I know absolutely nothing about football and can only name about three-five teams. But I'll cheer for my team! :)
carlotta asked...I know you're planning on getting a DSLR...what kind?
I've gone back and forth between Nikon and Canon and all sorts of types of each, but that's what I've finally settled on (and finally felt like God is saying, "This is it.") Is the Canon T1i.
Rachel M. asked...I have a question: what is one html point that we ( that I can, I should say ;) can understand easily?
Oh, goodness. Let's see...HTML is such a huge thing so it's hard to think of one singular point that's the most important. But I would say to really remember that HTML is for STRUCTURE, not design, and CSS is for STYLE. So for example, if you wanted to make the background color of your blog blue, you wouldn't go like this in your HTML:
~Miss Raquel asked...If you could tell all the young ladies in the world ONE thing...what would you say to them?
It sounds like such a cliche answer, but I'd want to tell them that they are beautiful and that they are so loved by Jesus.
lauren anne asked...What is your favorite type [style] of music? What aspect do you like best about blogging?
Okay. I am SO bad at knowing the style of music. I just listen. Ha! But probably pop, contemporary and some rock. I especially love Big Band and Swing; mainly because I love singing that way.
What aspect do I like best about blogging? Wow. These questions are really causing me to think--which isn't a bad thing. ;) Alright, I'd have to say that I love being able to share my life and what's on my heart with the world.
Bree asked...1. What type of camera do you use? 2. How do you edit your photos? 3. Is it possible make a blog background in Gimp? 4. How long have you been blogging? 5. What types of dance do you take? (I know you have probably already told us this, but I forget.) 6. What program do you use for your blog design? 7. How many designs have you done? 8. How do you make a NavBar? 9. What is your favorite color? 10. Have you ever bleached your hair with lemon juice? 11. If so, what happened?
I currently use a GE point-and-shoot, but as I mentioned in the comment to Carlotta, I'm saving for my Canon T1i.
Oh, my goodness. How do I edit my photos? I edit all of my photos with a different style (usually). I often use photoshop actions that I've created, or sometimes, other actions. (though, not often--I find that the actions I've created often suit my photos better than actions created by someone else, probably just because of the fact that I created them especially for my photos. ;-)) But for a quick edit, I'll usually make a new layer, put it on soft light, adjust the curves (so the brightness is higher) underneath the soft light, maybe edit the colors/saturation/vibrance, and then lastly sharpen this. (this is without using a action.) But it all really depends on the photo. I'll try to put up a post devoted to this topic later this week! :)
It is possible--in fact, when I used to use gimp, I created a few.
I've been blogging since September 13, 2007 (I went and looked at my first blog and hunted down the exact date for you all!). I blogged at homeschoolblogger for a few years, then switched to blogger on January 24 2009. And the rest is history. ;)
I take ballet in an academy modeled after a traditional vagonava school, so it's always ballet and pretty intense. And I do pilates (if that counts!)
I use Photoshop CS4 for my designs. And how many have I done? Oh, my. I just checked and I've done 14 complete blog designs (including mine, my mom's, and one for a really close friend of mine.) In addition to that, I've made numerous blog buttons and recently completed a job for a gal who wanted a new header. I have two ways that I make a nav bar--I either make a header/design in photoshop, then go into dreamweaver to map it out, or I code out a div in CSS and add the HTML to my page. (if anyone's interested, I can write out a tutorial on it...let me know!)
My favorite color is blue (surprise, surprise!) and I've never bleached my hair, but I've been tempted to. I don't know what would happen if I ever do!
Samantha asked...Ninjas or pirates?
Hee hee...I love questions like this. Easy and fun. I'd have to say pirates, because there's something about the very word that (for me) brings to mind images of splashing waves, islands of green palms and sparkling white sands, the feel of the sea underneath me and the rough touch of wood, a briny smell, and the sense of adventure--of things never been done before, yet now in sight.
Elizabeth Rose asked...How did you come to know the Lord? (and please tell the whole story!) What is a Scripture verse that has really stuck in your head this week? Favorite Christian music artist? Favorite non-Christian music artist? What photo-editing program do you use? What type of camera do you use? Do you use any lenses for your camera? Favorite movie(s)? Favorite book(s)? Have you ever really wanted something and God told you "wait"? Favorite thing about dance (besides worshiping the Lord)? Best thing about being on pointe? Worst thing about being on pointe?
I've grown up in a Christian family and am so grateful for that. But the first time I remember committing my life to the Lord was when I was about eight years old...and I was sweeping. I've re-dedicated my life to Christ just recently on a mini youth retreat. Honestly, Romans 12:2 is always running through my mind. My favorite Chrstian artist is Tenth Avenue North, and for favorite non-Christian artist, I honestly don't have one.
I use Photoshop CS4 for my photo-editing, and like I said in my comment to Bree, I currently use a GE point-and-shoot. And since it is a point-and-shoot, no I don't have any lenses (I wish, though!) When I purchase my DSLR, the first lens that I want to get is the 50 mm.
Favorite movies? I'll just list a few that I really enjoy--not to say these are the only ones, because there are definitely many more, but here are just a few. Secondhand Lions, the LOTR Trilogy, Princess Bride, Phenomenon, Ever After, Secretariat (Got to go see an early, private screening of it!), Hulk, The Prince of Egypt (always loved this movie), and some PIXAR faves...Up, The Incredibles, Cars, Bolt, Finding Nemo, and Kung Fu Panda. Hee hee...can't go wrong with those movies. :)
Favorite books I can't even touch upon really. The bible, obviously. And actually, now that I think about it, The Book Thief is probably my favorite book. Very powerful and as family friend remarked, "Masterful language." I cried in it, and I've only cried in three books--that one, Rilla of Ingleside, and Walk Two Moons.
Yes. Many times actually. I've gotten very close to being able to buy my camera, but there's been this sense of, "Not yet." And it's hard. It's so, very hard. But I've prayed about it and I know that it's not time yet. I had a similar experience with my laptop, and in fact, was unable to purchase it even when I had enough funds, and had to wait a month or so. I ended up getting a better deal and an insane amount of incredible software because I did wait. I won't lie though--it was very hard. And still is. But God is good and His plan is so much bigger and greater than what I can even comprehend.
I'm going to quote from what I said in the paper (oh, yes--I got interviewed for an article about our ballet studio and it made it to the paper. eek! I was so excited. :)) I love being able to dance in a way that's beautiful and an art form.
The best thing is how beautiful pointe can look (if done right) and the worse is the pain, and the constant problem of needing new pointe shoes. I use Grishko soft, and have to go and get the Grishko Strong, which, for those of you who don't dance ballet, has the strongest shank of any pointe shoe there is.
Hannah M asked...About how much time to you spend on the internet/blogging each day? How long does it usually take you to write a blog post? When did you start going on pointe? Do you do any other types of dance other than ballet? When and how did you become interested in photography? How long have you been using photoshop? What type of photoshop do you have...Is it Elements or CS?
Too much, I'd say. ;) My business is pretty much all on the computer, so I spend a lot of time using my laptop. Although, I have cut back on the amount of time since school started, but I still need to get better with my time management, because there's a lot more stuff that matters more. :)
To be completely can take me about 15 minutes, but I'm a perfectionist in the fact that I edit and edit and edit. ha! but I think it once took me 2 hours to write a post, because of all the photos I edited for it. That's the most time consuming part.
I remember about a year ago, I had gone to a blog, saw some pretty pictures, then went outside to take some pictures of a flower, thinking "This is easy. What's the point? I can do this too." I grabbed my digital camera (not the one that I'm currently using) and took some pictures, while realizing with a sinking feeling that my pictures did NOT look like what I had seen. That's when I got interested--seriously--in photography. And why? Maybe it was God giving me a little push and saying, "Go." :-)
I've been using photoshop since February something. I'm completely self-taught in the fact that I've never taken a class, but I've definitely googled my share of tutorials. ;)
Anna Gray asked...What editing program do you use for your photos? How did you get so many followers? What is your inspiraton for your photos?
How did I get so many followers? Sometimes I wonder this myself. Hee hee...I'm not entirely sure how I got so many followers, but I am so grateful for them. The best advice I can offer is to comment a lot, write a good amount of posts with interesting content (and keep the text talk limited--or nonexistent), and have a good design and make sure to put in some pictures. I wrote a post on this here.
I am inspired by the beauty that I see everywhere, everyday, in the littlest and sometimes most ordinary of things.
Coby asked...I love hearing you talk about the relationship between you and your brothers and sisters. What did your parents do to cultivate those relationships?
Ooh. Good question. I think that the biggest thing that they've done is to really bring us up in a mindset of Family First. Jesus at the center, of course, but family comes before friends. That's why when my friends come over, we don't really kick out my little least not often! :)
Ann asked...what is the best/worst thing about being from a large family?
The best thing is simply being a large family--I love all of my siblings (and of course my amazing parents) and can't imagine life without them. I'm so blessed to have them all in my life, and I love living surrounded by people that I love! The worst part is probably that going anywhere can be an ordeal in that fact that it takes a bit to get everyone ready, and then there's always some person who counts us all as we pass by. (no joke!)
Erin asked...How did you get involved in blogging? How tall are you? :)
My mom starting writing on my dad's caringbridge site when he was diagnosed with cancer, and after he was cancer free, started blogging. I loved the very idea of blogging, and asked to start a blog. And like I said before--the rest is history.
I'm about 5'5, 5'6. I think I'm supposed to grow a bit more. My mom's side of the family is really tall--and in fact, she's the shortest in her family (besides HER mom) at 5'7. And her youngest sister is 5'10. :)
Evergreena asked...1. What's your favorite font? 2. Do you like Nutella? 3. What do you prefer: Spring or Autumn? 4. Are you going to do NaNoWriMo? 5. Do you have a "life verse"?
My favorite script font is probably Aquarelle at the moment, favorite serif would be georgia, and for sans-serif, I love Nilland, Century Gothic, and GeoSansLight. :)
I love Nutella. Love, love, love Nutella. I prefer Autumn, though I love Spring as well. I'm still debating doing nanowrimo this year. And my lifeverse would definitely have to be Romans 12:2. Surprise, surpise there. ;-)
Mia asked...I also can't help but wonder where you learned all you know about html and graphic design. You're simply amazing at it :) If you don't mind me asking... what denomination are you (if any)?
Awh! Thank you. You talked about learning about HTML earlier in this post (mostly by trial and error as well as google), but for design, it just sort of came naturally. Not sure else how to explain it. And I'm Lutheran. :)
Rachel asked...What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being homeschooled? How about being a part of a large family? Also, what is your favorite genre to write?
To be completely honest, I love everything about homeschooling and I can't think of anything that I dislike about it. I feel so blessed and I'm so grateful that my parents decided to homeschool me and my siblings. And I love to write fantasy, but I love to write my life out--as in blogging. :)
Ellyn asked...If you could get another sibling free of charge, who would it be? (Can be older or younger)
I love being the oldest, so I'd love another younger sibling.
Kaboom asked...Yeah! I have some questions...What DO you prefer? Canon or Nikon? How do you take a pic with bokeh? Would you guest post on my blog? (Here's the site so you can look 'er over)
Canon. Not sure why, it's just always felt like the brand to go with...once I buy my camera. I'm not expert on bokeh, but if you want to play around with bokeh, go outside and take a picture of some trees with the light streaming through them...except don't focus on them. Point-and-shoots are bad for bokeh, but with DSLR's, the different DOF effect the background bokeh. As much as I love being asked to guest post, at the moment I just simply don't have enough time. But I appreciate it! :)
Christy, Asked...great idea! Well I'm working on building a large family it seems, having our 4th next month. We homeschool and love it really. How would you say your home was a success as far as big families go and being homeschooled? Also I love taking pictures but once I take them I have a hard time deleting even the worst pictures because well they're of my kids. Do you keep all your pictures or delete?
For one thing, my parents really feel that homeschooling and having a large family is what God is saying for our family. This isn't necessarily the case for everyone, but I know that there has been so much prayer put into it. It's a success in so far that there is such a joy and a blessing in being home and being around family all the time. I love my siblings and I couldn't imagine my life without them, just as much as I couldn't imagine my life at school instead of home.
I'm terribly bad at not deleting pictures...;)
Ms. Givens asked...Do you keep photo albums anymore?
On my computer, yes. Otherwise, no. Although, my mom has several scrapbooks/photo albums from when my sister Chloe and I were really little. :)
Lindsay asked...What's your favorite thing to photograph? How do you get so much bokeh with a point and shoot camera? You amaze me! What's a typical day like at your house? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite movie? Who's your favorite actor?
People. I love photographing people. I love being able to capture and celebrate a moment, a feeling, an expression. Though, I do love macro. Yet I hate the term. I'll just call it, I love taking pictures of little things. I'm not sure how I get so much bokeh, honestly. But awh, thank you! :)
A typical Monday might go like this...
6:32-7:30 : wake up
8:30 eat breakfast / start school
11:50 break for lunch
1:00 start up again
2:00-3:00 finish school (usually)
3:30 get ready for ballet
4:15 get to the studio
4:30-5:30 teach
5:30-6:30 wait at the studio
6:30-9:00 ballet
9:23 get home
9:35 read, use my computer, watch I Love Lucy (honestly!)
10:45 get ready for bed
10:50-11:20 read and then go to bed.
It varies though...:)
By Your Side & Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North are my favorite songs (in that order). And no favorite actor here. :)
Caroline asked...1. Who is your favorite character that you've written? 2. Have you ever done Nanowrimo? (similar to Evergreena) 3. What's your favorite piece of clothing/accessory?
Probably Eirad, who was the MFC in my Nanowrimo 09 novel. Yes, I've done nanowrimo, and it was a blast! Though I was very tired by the end of the month...
My favorite piece of clothing would have to be my jeggings--love them--or a super cute blue top from Kohls. My favorite accessory would be my multi-colored, sorta-tassled, scarf. :)
Maggie asked...1. What kind of writing class are you taking? Where are you taking it? (it doesn't have to be the exact place, just like local college, for homeschool, etc. I am just curious to know where I can look for a writing class. :-) 2. What homeschool program/ciriculom (sp?) do you use? 3. Who is your favorite photographer? 4. How many page views do you get every day? what is the link to the writers message board that you are/were apart of that helped you improve your writing so much?
I'm taking a class not focused on serious novel writing, but on all aspects of writing, such as essays, short stories, biographys, etc...It's called Writing Foundations, and I believe that the teacher offers it online.
I use so many different programs and curriculum for my school. Let me see if I can think of them all: Saxon Math, Apologia Sciece, Beautiful Feet History, LLATL British Literature, 12th Grade Daily Grams, Rosetta Stone Italian, My Writing Class for writing, and then we're doing some root words this year. I probably missed something there, but oh well. ;)
I was actually thinking of putting a page up with my favorites. Stay tuned...;)
I don't know the average, but yesterday I had 1,296 page views.
And the Message Board was actually the Nickelodean Story Boards; I was on them from I think 10-11 (maybe a bit when I was 12). They really just solidified my writing style, funny as it sounds. Though I was little, so that's not saying much...I did have a very popular story though! hee hee...
Whew! Okay...I think I got them all. Chocolate chip cookies for those who read the whole thing. :)
Note: As there were several repeat questions, if you asked me something and didn't see it answered, it's somewhere else in the post. :)
Maggie asked...How many hours do you spend at the dance studio every week? What do you spend that time doing? How long have you been doing pointe? And having size 10 feet, I need to know, is the rumor true that your feet can get up to 1 size smaller from pointe? Where do you get the inspiration for your posts? Who is your favorite blogger? How and where did you learn so much about HTML? (and later) 1. What kind of writing class are you taking? Where are you taking it? (it doesn't have to be the exact place, just like local college, for homeschool, etc. I am just curious to know where I can look for a writing class. :-) 2. What homeschool program/ciriculom (sp?) do you use? 3. Who is your favorite photographer? 4. How many page views do you get every day? what is the link to the writers message board that you are/were apart of that helped you improve your writing so much?
I spend roughly 10-13 hours at the studio every week. I teach on Monday nights for an hour, and on Saturday morning's from 10:30-11:30, I have pilates. The rest is spent doing ballet. I've been doing pointe since last summer, and I love it! And, my feet HAVE gone down a size. I used to wear an 8 1/2 shoe size, and I'm down to a 7 1/2 from pointe. So for me at least, the rumor is definitely true. ;-)
Oh, goodness. I get inspiration from so many things--photos, other posts of mine (and other people), good art, a verse, something in my life, something that I've felt on my heart, and anything in between. I guess you could say that I get my inspiration from many places. :-)
I don't have a favorite blogger, but I do love Ree, Kelle (I started following her blog back when I think she had 1000 some followers, and I've emailed her and she's emailed me back!) Amanda, Carissa, Lynnette, Abigail (even though she hasn't blogged forever!), and Carlotta. There are other bloggers that I enjoy, but if I listed them all, I'd take up this whole post. You know who you are! :)
For HTML, I've always loved gorgeous blogs and sites, and I didn't want to have someone else create it for me, so I started tinkering with my HTML, viewing source code (eep! I know), and googling things that I didn't know. The real help for me was when I got the Head First XHTML & CSS for Christmas--I would recommend it to any aspiring web designer who's still braving the jungles of code without a map! ;)
I'm taking a class not focused on serious novel writing, but on all aspects of writing, such as essays, short stories, biographys, etc...It's called Writing Foundations, and I believe that the teacher offers it online.
I use so many different programs and curriculum for my school. Let me see if I can think of them all: Saxon Math, Apologia Science, Beautiful Feet History, LLATL British Literature, 12th Grade Daily Grams, Rosetta Stone Italian, My Writing Class for writing, and then we're doing some root words this year. I probably missed something there, but oh well. ;)
I was actually thinking of putting a page up with my favorites. Stay tuned...;)
I don't know the average, but yesterday I had 1,296 page views.
And the Message Board was actually the Nickelodean Story Boards; I was on them from I think 10-11 (maybe a bit when I was 12). They really just solidified my writing style, funny as it sounds. Though I was little, so that's not saying much...I did have a very popular story though! hee hee...
Ashley Jean asked...I have one question just for the fun of it...In football terms, Minnesota Vikings or Green Bay Packers?
I have to stay true to my roots! (ha!) Vikings all the way! Though truthfully, I know absolutely nothing about football and can only name about three-five teams. But I'll cheer for my team! :)
carlotta asked...I know you're planning on getting a DSLR...what kind?
I've gone back and forth between Nikon and Canon and all sorts of types of each, but that's what I've finally settled on (and finally felt like God is saying, "This is it.") Is the Canon T1i.
Rachel M. asked...I have a question: what is one html point that we ( that I can, I should say ;) can understand easily?
Oh, goodness. Let's see...HTML is such a huge thing so it's hard to think of one singular point that's the most important. But I would say to really remember that HTML is for STRUCTURE, not design, and CSS is for STYLE. So for example, if you wanted to make the background color of your blog blue, you wouldn't go like this in your HTML:
<background color="blue">
instead, you'd add something like this in your CSS code.#body {
Of course, in between the brackets, you'd have more stylistic techniques, but I'm just highlighting the main idea here. Okay--hopefully that made some sense! ;-)background-color:#419ea5;
~Miss Raquel asked...If you could tell all the young ladies in the world ONE thing...what would you say to them?
It sounds like such a cliche answer, but I'd want to tell them that they are beautiful and that they are so loved by Jesus.
lauren anne asked...What is your favorite type [style] of music? What aspect do you like best about blogging?
Okay. I am SO bad at knowing the style of music. I just listen. Ha! But probably pop, contemporary and some rock. I especially love Big Band and Swing; mainly because I love singing that way.
What aspect do I like best about blogging? Wow. These questions are really causing me to think--which isn't a bad thing. ;) Alright, I'd have to say that I love being able to share my life and what's on my heart with the world.
Bree asked...1. What type of camera do you use? 2. How do you edit your photos? 3. Is it possible make a blog background in Gimp? 4. How long have you been blogging? 5. What types of dance do you take? (I know you have probably already told us this, but I forget.) 6. What program do you use for your blog design? 7. How many designs have you done? 8. How do you make a NavBar? 9. What is your favorite color? 10. Have you ever bleached your hair with lemon juice? 11. If so, what happened?
I currently use a GE point-and-shoot, but as I mentioned in the comment to Carlotta, I'm saving for my Canon T1i.
Oh, my goodness. How do I edit my photos? I edit all of my photos with a different style (usually). I often use photoshop actions that I've created, or sometimes, other actions. (though, not often--I find that the actions I've created often suit my photos better than actions created by someone else, probably just because of the fact that I created them especially for my photos. ;-)) But for a quick edit, I'll usually make a new layer, put it on soft light, adjust the curves (so the brightness is higher) underneath the soft light, maybe edit the colors/saturation/vibrance, and then lastly sharpen this. (this is without using a action.) But it all really depends on the photo. I'll try to put up a post devoted to this topic later this week! :)
It is possible--in fact, when I used to use gimp, I created a few.
I've been blogging since September 13, 2007 (I went and looked at my first blog and hunted down the exact date for you all!). I blogged at homeschoolblogger for a few years, then switched to blogger on January 24 2009. And the rest is history. ;)
I take ballet in an academy modeled after a traditional vagonava school, so it's always ballet and pretty intense. And I do pilates (if that counts!)
I use Photoshop CS4 for my designs. And how many have I done? Oh, my. I just checked and I've done 14 complete blog designs (including mine, my mom's, and one for a really close friend of mine.) In addition to that, I've made numerous blog buttons and recently completed a job for a gal who wanted a new header. I have two ways that I make a nav bar--I either make a header/design in photoshop, then go into dreamweaver to map it out, or I code out a div in CSS and add the HTML to my page. (if anyone's interested, I can write out a tutorial on it...let me know!)
My favorite color is blue (surprise, surprise!) and I've never bleached my hair, but I've been tempted to. I don't know what would happen if I ever do!
Samantha asked...Ninjas or pirates?
Hee hee...I love questions like this. Easy and fun. I'd have to say pirates, because there's something about the very word that (for me) brings to mind images of splashing waves, islands of green palms and sparkling white sands, the feel of the sea underneath me and the rough touch of wood, a briny smell, and the sense of adventure--of things never been done before, yet now in sight.
Elizabeth Rose asked...How did you come to know the Lord? (and please tell the whole story!) What is a Scripture verse that has really stuck in your head this week? Favorite Christian music artist? Favorite non-Christian music artist? What photo-editing program do you use? What type of camera do you use? Do you use any lenses for your camera? Favorite movie(s)? Favorite book(s)? Have you ever really wanted something and God told you "wait"? Favorite thing about dance (besides worshiping the Lord)? Best thing about being on pointe? Worst thing about being on pointe?
I've grown up in a Christian family and am so grateful for that. But the first time I remember committing my life to the Lord was when I was about eight years old...and I was sweeping. I've re-dedicated my life to Christ just recently on a mini youth retreat. Honestly, Romans 12:2 is always running through my mind. My favorite Chrstian artist is Tenth Avenue North, and for favorite non-Christian artist, I honestly don't have one.
I use Photoshop CS4 for my photo-editing, and like I said in my comment to Bree, I currently use a GE point-and-shoot. And since it is a point-and-shoot, no I don't have any lenses (I wish, though!) When I purchase my DSLR, the first lens that I want to get is the 50 mm.
Favorite movies? I'll just list a few that I really enjoy--not to say these are the only ones, because there are definitely many more, but here are just a few. Secondhand Lions, the LOTR Trilogy, Princess Bride, Phenomenon, Ever After, Secretariat (Got to go see an early, private screening of it!), Hulk, The Prince of Egypt (always loved this movie), and some PIXAR faves...Up, The Incredibles, Cars, Bolt, Finding Nemo, and Kung Fu Panda. Hee hee...can't go wrong with those movies. :)
Favorite books I can't even touch upon really. The bible, obviously. And actually, now that I think about it, The Book Thief is probably my favorite book. Very powerful and as family friend remarked, "Masterful language." I cried in it, and I've only cried in three books--that one, Rilla of Ingleside, and Walk Two Moons.
Yes. Many times actually. I've gotten very close to being able to buy my camera, but there's been this sense of, "Not yet." And it's hard. It's so, very hard. But I've prayed about it and I know that it's not time yet. I had a similar experience with my laptop, and in fact, was unable to purchase it even when I had enough funds, and had to wait a month or so. I ended up getting a better deal and an insane amount of incredible software because I did wait. I won't lie though--it was very hard. And still is. But God is good and His plan is so much bigger and greater than what I can even comprehend.
I'm going to quote from what I said in the paper (oh, yes--I got interviewed for an article about our ballet studio and it made it to the paper. eek! I was so excited. :)) I love being able to dance in a way that's beautiful and an art form.
The best thing is how beautiful pointe can look (if done right) and the worse is the pain, and the constant problem of needing new pointe shoes. I use Grishko soft, and have to go and get the Grishko Strong, which, for those of you who don't dance ballet, has the strongest shank of any pointe shoe there is.
Hannah M asked...About how much time to you spend on the internet/blogging each day? How long does it usually take you to write a blog post? When did you start going on pointe? Do you do any other types of dance other than ballet? When and how did you become interested in photography? How long have you been using photoshop? What type of photoshop do you have...Is it Elements or CS?
Too much, I'd say. ;) My business is pretty much all on the computer, so I spend a lot of time using my laptop. Although, I have cut back on the amount of time since school started, but I still need to get better with my time management, because there's a lot more stuff that matters more. :)
To be completely can take me about 15 minutes, but I'm a perfectionist in the fact that I edit and edit and edit. ha! but I think it once took me 2 hours to write a post, because of all the photos I edited for it. That's the most time consuming part.
I remember about a year ago, I had gone to a blog, saw some pretty pictures, then went outside to take some pictures of a flower, thinking "This is easy. What's the point? I can do this too." I grabbed my digital camera (not the one that I'm currently using) and took some pictures, while realizing with a sinking feeling that my pictures did NOT look like what I had seen. That's when I got interested--seriously--in photography. And why? Maybe it was God giving me a little push and saying, "Go." :-)
I've been using photoshop since February something. I'm completely self-taught in the fact that I've never taken a class, but I've definitely googled my share of tutorials. ;)
Anna Gray asked...What editing program do you use for your photos? How did you get so many followers? What is your inspiraton for your photos?
How did I get so many followers? Sometimes I wonder this myself. Hee hee...I'm not entirely sure how I got so many followers, but I am so grateful for them. The best advice I can offer is to comment a lot, write a good amount of posts with interesting content (and keep the text talk limited--or nonexistent), and have a good design and make sure to put in some pictures. I wrote a post on this here.
I am inspired by the beauty that I see everywhere, everyday, in the littlest and sometimes most ordinary of things.
Coby asked...I love hearing you talk about the relationship between you and your brothers and sisters. What did your parents do to cultivate those relationships?
Ooh. Good question. I think that the biggest thing that they've done is to really bring us up in a mindset of Family First. Jesus at the center, of course, but family comes before friends. That's why when my friends come over, we don't really kick out my little least not often! :)
Ann asked...what is the best/worst thing about being from a large family?
The best thing is simply being a large family--I love all of my siblings (and of course my amazing parents) and can't imagine life without them. I'm so blessed to have them all in my life, and I love living surrounded by people that I love! The worst part is probably that going anywhere can be an ordeal in that fact that it takes a bit to get everyone ready, and then there's always some person who counts us all as we pass by. (no joke!)
Erin asked...How did you get involved in blogging? How tall are you? :)
My mom starting writing on my dad's caringbridge site when he was diagnosed with cancer, and after he was cancer free, started blogging. I loved the very idea of blogging, and asked to start a blog. And like I said before--the rest is history.
I'm about 5'5, 5'6. I think I'm supposed to grow a bit more. My mom's side of the family is really tall--and in fact, she's the shortest in her family (besides HER mom) at 5'7. And her youngest sister is 5'10. :)
Evergreena asked...1. What's your favorite font? 2. Do you like Nutella? 3. What do you prefer: Spring or Autumn? 4. Are you going to do NaNoWriMo? 5. Do you have a "life verse"?
My favorite script font is probably Aquarelle at the moment, favorite serif would be georgia, and for sans-serif, I love Nilland, Century Gothic, and GeoSansLight. :)
I love Nutella. Love, love, love Nutella. I prefer Autumn, though I love Spring as well. I'm still debating doing nanowrimo this year. And my lifeverse would definitely have to be Romans 12:2. Surprise, surpise there. ;-)
Mia asked...I also can't help but wonder where you learned all you know about html and graphic design. You're simply amazing at it :) If you don't mind me asking... what denomination are you (if any)?
Awh! Thank you. You talked about learning about HTML earlier in this post (mostly by trial and error as well as google), but for design, it just sort of came naturally. Not sure else how to explain it. And I'm Lutheran. :)
Rachel asked...What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being homeschooled? How about being a part of a large family? Also, what is your favorite genre to write?
To be completely honest, I love everything about homeschooling and I can't think of anything that I dislike about it. I feel so blessed and I'm so grateful that my parents decided to homeschool me and my siblings. And I love to write fantasy, but I love to write my life out--as in blogging. :)
Ellyn asked...If you could get another sibling free of charge, who would it be? (Can be older or younger)
I love being the oldest, so I'd love another younger sibling.
Kaboom asked...Yeah! I have some questions...What DO you prefer? Canon or Nikon? How do you take a pic with bokeh? Would you guest post on my blog? (Here's the site so you can look 'er over)
Canon. Not sure why, it's just always felt like the brand to go with...once I buy my camera. I'm not expert on bokeh, but if you want to play around with bokeh, go outside and take a picture of some trees with the light streaming through them...except don't focus on them. Point-and-shoots are bad for bokeh, but with DSLR's, the different DOF effect the background bokeh. As much as I love being asked to guest post, at the moment I just simply don't have enough time. But I appreciate it! :)
Christy, Asked...great idea! Well I'm working on building a large family it seems, having our 4th next month. We homeschool and love it really. How would you say your home was a success as far as big families go and being homeschooled? Also I love taking pictures but once I take them I have a hard time deleting even the worst pictures because well they're of my kids. Do you keep all your pictures or delete?
For one thing, my parents really feel that homeschooling and having a large family is what God is saying for our family. This isn't necessarily the case for everyone, but I know that there has been so much prayer put into it. It's a success in so far that there is such a joy and a blessing in being home and being around family all the time. I love my siblings and I couldn't imagine my life without them, just as much as I couldn't imagine my life at school instead of home.
I'm terribly bad at not deleting pictures...;)
Ms. Givens asked...Do you keep photo albums anymore?
On my computer, yes. Otherwise, no. Although, my mom has several scrapbooks/photo albums from when my sister Chloe and I were really little. :)
Lindsay asked...What's your favorite thing to photograph? How do you get so much bokeh with a point and shoot camera? You amaze me! What's a typical day like at your house? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite movie? Who's your favorite actor?
People. I love photographing people. I love being able to capture and celebrate a moment, a feeling, an expression. Though, I do love macro. Yet I hate the term. I'll just call it, I love taking pictures of little things. I'm not sure how I get so much bokeh, honestly. But awh, thank you! :)
A typical Monday might go like this...
6:32-7:30 : wake up
8:30 eat breakfast / start school
11:50 break for lunch
1:00 start up again
2:00-3:00 finish school (usually)
3:30 get ready for ballet
4:15 get to the studio
4:30-5:30 teach
5:30-6:30 wait at the studio
6:30-9:00 ballet
9:23 get home
9:35 read, use my computer, watch I Love Lucy (honestly!)
10:45 get ready for bed
10:50-11:20 read and then go to bed.
It varies though...:)
By Your Side & Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North are my favorite songs (in that order). And no favorite actor here. :)
Caroline asked...1. Who is your favorite character that you've written? 2. Have you ever done Nanowrimo? (similar to Evergreena) 3. What's your favorite piece of clothing/accessory?
Probably Eirad, who was the MFC in my Nanowrimo 09 novel. Yes, I've done nanowrimo, and it was a blast! Though I was very tired by the end of the month...
My favorite piece of clothing would have to be my jeggings--love them--or a super cute blue top from Kohls. My favorite accessory would be my multi-colored, sorta-tassled, scarf. :)
Maggie asked...1. What kind of writing class are you taking? Where are you taking it? (it doesn't have to be the exact place, just like local college, for homeschool, etc. I am just curious to know where I can look for a writing class. :-) 2. What homeschool program/ciriculom (sp?) do you use? 3. Who is your favorite photographer? 4. How many page views do you get every day? what is the link to the writers message board that you are/were apart of that helped you improve your writing so much?
I'm taking a class not focused on serious novel writing, but on all aspects of writing, such as essays, short stories, biographys, etc...It's called Writing Foundations, and I believe that the teacher offers it online.
I use so many different programs and curriculum for my school. Let me see if I can think of them all: Saxon Math, Apologia Sciece, Beautiful Feet History, LLATL British Literature, 12th Grade Daily Grams, Rosetta Stone Italian, My Writing Class for writing, and then we're doing some root words this year. I probably missed something there, but oh well. ;)
I was actually thinking of putting a page up with my favorites. Stay tuned...;)
I don't know the average, but yesterday I had 1,296 page views.
And the Message Board was actually the Nickelodean Story Boards; I was on them from I think 10-11 (maybe a bit when I was 12). They really just solidified my writing style, funny as it sounds. Though I was little, so that's not saying much...I did have a very popular story though! hee hee...
Whew! Okay...I think I got them all. Chocolate chip cookies for those who read the whole thing. :)
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