Monday, October 4, 2010

Where have I been?

I know--I said I'd announce the winner of the Black & White Portrait Challenge on Sunday. Yet, I completely forgot...I had so much that was going on and a lot on my mind. But the favorite photo was BE's...

Make sure to head over and congratulate her! And thanks to everyone who entered--I loved looking at all of the entries. Those were some wonderful black and white photos! :-)

Now the reason of my absence (at least partly)...

Since last Tuesday, my left foot/ankle has been bugging me for quite a bit. Especially the days after I had ballet. I ended up missing several classes. Finally, on Friday night (the 1st) we were walking around KOHL's and I was in a good amount of pain. (there's an oxymoron for you!) We headed to an urgent care, yet found out that their X-ray machine was broken.

Yes, broken.

So, we headed to another urgent care that was literally a minute away. Long story short, they took an x-ray and the doctor didn't really know what it was, but he gave me an aircast to wear. They referred us to an Orthopaedic Center and on Saturday, I went into ballet, my mom and I talked with my instructor, and then we headed down to the Orthopaedic Center. They were amazing! They took several x-rays and were incredible. Knew exactly what they were talking about.

They gave me a walking boot to wear and now I'm off ballet for two weeks, and have physical therapy twice a week. After the two weeks are up, I have to go back in for a reevaluation, and perhaps an MRI of my foot.

They think that it's a stress fracture, where the focus is the 3rd and 4th metatarsal, as well as possible impingement of the ankle. You can't see a stress fracture on an x-ray, but that's what they're thinking.

So I present to you...Ginormica. (what I've fondly dubbed my boot)

Excuse the quality, taken with my web cam.

Yet I've had an amazing weekend. Apple Orchard, Hay ride and bonfire with some of my my favorite people in the world, church kick-off and my grandparent's house. It's all been pretty good. But I would appreciate some prayer--my foot/ankle can hurt pretty bad.

Thanks sweet friends!

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