Saturday, July 3, 2010

And I'm off!

Just a quick little blip to wish you all goodbye for a little while! My family (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncle and all) are heading up to Woodland--our annual, traditional, been going since my mom was little, vacation. One beautiful, blessed, blissful week filled to the brim with family, food and fishing, accompanied by a healthy dose (healthy as in a big walloping dollop) of swimming, games and laughter. A week where we're drinking in ridiculously big swallows of joy and love and happiness mixed together for one sticky, sweet drink that just slides down your throat and coats it in a mess of deliciousness; the taste lingering long enough to bring melancholy after it's gone. One week where my family becomes even more than it already is...a week of vividness, and bigger, beautifuller life.

But fear not! I'm not going to let Aspire be neglected! I've arranged for an array of beautiful bloggers to guest post from the 4th to the 9th of July, so that you have something to look forward to each day. (surprise! Any of you guess it?)

Meanwhile, this will be my fam. Minus the pool and plus the lake and beach. I'm talking relaxation here.

And this is completely unrelated, but have you tried nutella?


Goodbye, my lovelies! Will be seeing you when I get back! But for now...I've gotta run! :-)

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