I've been mulling over these words for weeks. Carefully, pulling them apart and putting them back together and seeing just how well (or poorly) they fit into my life. It's easy for me to put a mental bookmark on a quote or blog post and come back later to soak it in. It's easy for me to read a good word and skim through it with barely a passing thought.
But sometimes, there's a word that sticks and there's a thought that stays and this is one of them.
Today is the day.
I love all that it means and stands for. Today is the day to go for it. To do what you've been wanting to do or to take a leap and step out in faith. Today is the day to stop listening to fear and today is the day to try something new and today is the day to be fully present. I am Learning to live in the balance of the here and now. Appreciating today. Embracing the moments in front of me. Being present where I am. Being grateful for where I'm at. And in the same breath...
I am learning to wait. Learning to be patient. Learning to plant and sow and later, reap. Learning the balance of waiting and wishing away. Learning to let go. Learning to invest in people and their lives. Learning what it means to really love and live and be. And it's a beautiful and hard thing, but a good one.
Reconciling the poignancy and call to action of, Today is the Day, with the reality that there is still good to come.
I think it's important to live in both. And I think that neither of them are fully true by themselves, that we need each to even the other out. We can't always be living in today being the greatest and best, because the reality is that each day will be different. And there will be good days and bad days and days in between. Days scattered with joys like coffee dates and soul chats and wearing sandals for the first of spring. Simple things. And there will be days when you wake up too late, when you miss a call, miss a bus, miss a friend, when each minute feels a countdown until the next. But in the same breath, the reality is the popular phrase The Best is Yet to Come is not entirely true for this life on earth. If we keep wishing away our todays for tomorrows, we miss out on the beauty of here and now. But if we only live in this moment, we miss out on the wonder of dreaming for the future.
We need both.
Not to squander the precious and wild beauty of the moments we are in. Realizing that today is the day and we need to live in what we are given each moment. But also, to know that there is still good on the horizon. Onwards and upwards and inwards. The Holiday at the Sea. A balance of being grateful and present in each moment yet being ready and thankful for what is still to come. Praying for the faith and discernment to be present but also to be purposeful with what's next.
Today is the day to be present in this moment right here. The Best is Yet to Come for greater joys, deeper moments, richer minutes. Again. Onwards and upwards and inwards. Grateful for the good of now and waiting in patient expectancy of what is to come.
Have a rich and wonder filled weekend.
Much love.
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