Wednesday, April 4, 2012

boys will be boys

the funny thing
The funny thing about growing up is
that when you were little, you wished to be
older. Then suddenly, the years catch up
and the days of batman and cowboys are
tucked neatly away in closets while you
wonder where all the time went by. Because
moments passed and toys broke and you threw out
dreams like old clothes that didn't fit, were
a little too tight. Comic books read to
the bone, now packed away in old boxes,
still hold the memory of your childhood
aspirations, found in each rustle of
the page. So mostly, you look back and think
"where did time go?" and sometimes you pull out
an old superhero mask, try it out
for size and wonder how it ever fit.
hannah nicole
A poem I wrote for my brothers. They just started Taekwondo yesterday, and already, I see the glimmerings of little boys growing up. I am so proud of them and love them dearly. I can't wait to see what they'll do, and am so excited to see who they will become. Mostly, I am just unspeakably glad that I get to be there to watch them become men. These boys are talented, loving, tough, determined, smart, funny, and creative, and I am so thankful I'm their older sister.

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