Monday, April 9, 2012


I aspire to...
be a woman who loves Jesus deeper.
who lives, loves, and gives extravagantly,
and celebrates today with a heart that is
thankful and full of praise.

I aspire to...
be someone who gives freely and joyfully
who is always ready with a helping hand,
an encouraging word, or a hug.
who will pray for a hurting heart
and comfort someone out of love,
because He loved.

I aspire to...
invest more time in relationships and love people
genuinely, deeply, and unconditionally.
to do unto others, to be there, and
to take time to celebrate the people I have in my life.

I aspire to...
eat healthier, live simpler, and to clean out the clutter.
to focus on what really matters and to spend time doing what I love
with people I love. Living every day of this messy beautiful life
fully, completely, and all for His glory.

I aspire to...
laugh more, encourage more, and sing more.
to have the freedom to be silly and to be who I am,
without worrying about what people may think.
To be comfortable in my own skin and
love who I am and who I'm created to be.

I aspire to...
start each day in prayer and the Word,
letting a sense of God's wholeness,
everything coming together for good,
come down and settle on me (Phil. 4:7)
so that my heart is focused and filled with Him,
and my day is blessed.

I aspire to...
be just me,

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