I really like you. did you know that?
I think you're lovely.
Dear little boy who decided to pick leaves to add to the pile,
why, aren't you cute. and thank you. you've saved us the chore of raking them.
even though those aren't exactly the "right" leaves...
Dear leaves,
what's your secret? how do you manage such great color?
I wish I knew.
You're really some of my favorite things about fall.
Dear early morning sunrise,
I like watching you creep up over the horizon and spread out tendrils of color like smoke.
Especially while sitting outside in a sweater, eating some freshly-made french toast.
It made for another good, sunrise watching morning.
Dear Samuel,
boo! gotchya. you don't mind, do you?
Dear ridiculously attractive sister,
Seriously? how can you be so cute?
Dear pumpkin,
Pumpkin spice lattes, bars, cakes, pies, scones....
oh, goodness. I'm kinda sorta completely smitten with you.
My jeans are not so fond.
But that's another story.
Dear little boy,
It's a bird! it's a plane! it's supersam!
Dear crazy-copper-haired caleb,
Dude. You're really rocking. I mean, it's not everyone who can boast of flying copper hair.
I just might love you.
Dear Brennan,
How can you be almost eight? You're getting so big.
I remember when you were born. You were the first boy and everyone was so excited.
I mean, after three girls, a little boy was huge.
Dear super cute sweater on sale at Green Planet,
You just totally made my day. A chunky, woolen knit sweater that's perfect for fall. Long, loose, and oh so comfortable
(and just my style)
My day was made.
Dear Sammy,
Thank you for helping! You contributed about three leaves to the pile, and took away half.
Your help was greatly appreciated.
Or maybe we just liked watching you trying to rake like your brothers.
Whatever the reason, it sure was cute.
Dear busy days,
okay, I'm done.
Dear blurry photos + baby toes,
You're not so bad. In fact...I kinda dig you.
Did that just date me?
shh. I never said that.
Moving on.
Dear fall,
You're really my favorite. I don't know how you can even get better.
Oh, wait.
You just did.
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