The clock is one tick and tock away from one and I'm sitting at my computer, writing words and editing photos. I had my last fall session tonight with one of my closest friends. She's one of those friends I know I could call at two in the morning and we'd talk till three. I've known Hayley since third grade when pig-tails were still cute and you could get away with a stain on your shirt. At seven years old, we were just friends. We saw each other at church and various homeschool get-togethers but I never saw us becoming good friends.
Fast forward till now and she's one of my best friends. I love talking about faith, life, and art with her. Spending hours chatting about today's generation, what we're passionate about, our hopes and dreams for the future, and, of course, laughing our heads off over who knows what. She has such a heart for the Lord and it's so cool to see God work through her life. I'm so blessed to call her my friend and so thankful for all of our long talks at coffee shops. And for owners who don't kick us out even though we stay and stay and stay.
As soon as we finished taking photos, we drove to Starbucks and picked up a couple of Pumpkin Spice Lattes. We sat at the wooden tables and chatted about mission trips and plans for this summer while sipping our steaming drinks. My cold fingers warmed and my heart was happy. I'm somewhat introverted, but it's so nice to just get together and just talk. Coffee with one of my closest friends was a perfect end to my last shoot this autumn.
ps. I love her scarves. the end.
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