It's time for this week's LPW! Hope to see all of your smiling faces in that linkup box below! I had a blast checking out all of the lovely entries last week and reading your darling words...or...not reading your words. Many of you went titless--for which, you deserve buckets of cookies. Or my good friend Morgan's rainbow-colored cake. But onto other matters...
If you're friends with me on facebook, you've likely already seen this photo. It was taken up on my vacation a month ago to Duluth with my grandparents, aunt, and brother, Brennan.
I miss Duluth. I really do.
This is just a taste of the photos from the trip--I know, it's been forever, but I'm hoping to get my post written about the vacation soon. It's just that sometimes the memories are so poignant that you're afraid that your words won't justify them. So you let them roll around in your head for awhile, until you've found the right ones to say. Or close.
But enough about me, I want to hear about you! Or more appropriately, I want to see your lovely photo! So join in and in the theme of i heart faces, make sure to check out at least three other entries. Spread some love and bloghop around a bit. I can't wait to see all of your lovely pictures!
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