So begins the epic tale of a darling little
They're both very thrilling stories. Really. But there's no glass shattering, fudge burning, ER-trip-visiting involved.
Which is good.
Many of you have commented on the cuteness of Eli. Looks can be deceiving. He is cute. He is also three. Those of you with children will understand.
Why am I taking so many pictures of cars? Perhaps I like cars. Perhaps I like the color. Perhaps at heart I secretly want to become a race car driver. Perhaps I like the thrill of cars. Or perhaps I like the fact they can sit still for one second. Yeah. Point taken.
I like this shot. I like it a lot. In fact, I like it enough to use it twice in the same post. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Point and shoot cameras don't produce good bokeh. Period. But they can give you background-blurring on rare occasion. If you're lucky. Or if you try every possible angle. Either one. And when I can get it--BING. Instant happiness.
By the way, the BING is related to something on my twitter, where I mostly ramble about cliche writing phrases, hot jalapeno poppers, and shamelessly retweet witty tweets.
Tweet is a funny word. Reminds me of treat. Which reminds me I'm rambling. So back to Eli...
He had a good birthday. My grandparents came over and celebrated with us as well. Nothing much to say, except it was fun. And restful. Which is also very good. He loved his presents, including this bubble blowing thing which I'm convinced I'll have at my wedding someday.
Wouldn't that be awesome?
This shot wasn't posed. I promise. He was eating. So I told him to hold still. That's not cheating, right? Wait, don't tell me--I don't want to know.
Speaking of cheating...Eli snuck some of his whippers before we cut the cake. Ahuh. I told you it was good.
How's your week been? Had anything yummy lately? Let me know. I'm all ears.
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