always thankful for simple days and honest moments.
breakfasts with my family at the lake, sleepy-eyed and clad in pajamas and vacation wonder.
costco runs, chai tea, coffee, and chocolate. all things delicious and good for the heart.
duluth trips, taken with family and a hearty helping of laughter.
envelopes holding penned words innumerably better than emails.
family, friends, and fellowship.
giving thanks anthologies, small and incomplete, but heart warming.
home, that place that is because of the people, not the house.
inside jokes and laughter between my sisters and I.
kept traditions every year
love. Jesus Christ's love for us, out of which spills love for others.
merry Christmas mornings at grandpa and grandpa's, egg bake and homemade cinnamon rolls with orange juice to begin the day.
noise, like the sound of the boy's laughter, the piano singing, the kettle whistling, games being played, and my family together.
open doors for the future, met head on with breathless excitement. also, oatmeal for breakfast.
photography, playing the piano, and pomegranates.
quiet of winter and still of morning.
recent reasons to smile, uncountable, but this is one of them:
starbucks coffee dates with my mom and dear friends.
time. such a weighty, wonderful gift!
ultimate baseball rules made by the family for Woodland, complete with a logo.
vision and purpose.
woodland. dear wonderful woodland and the wealth of memories from there.
x-rays, from last year that led to a surgery and now, to a foot that is healed.
yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple, and all the unendingly varied shades and hues that paint the world.
zoo, that time we packed up the car and went as a family this fall.
If you would like to link up your own a to z anthology of thanks, or simply a Thanksgiving post, feel free to! I hope to read some of your collections of grateful stories. :) Blessings on your Thanksgiving, sweet friends! Have a day filled with joy, wonder, thanks, family, and grace. And of course, some pumpkin pie. xo, h
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