Monday, August 20, 2012

Allix B. // Portraits

Allix B. (I simply can't talk about her without the B at the end of her name) is fun. And funky. And fabulous. She calls everyone babe. She has a sweet sense of humor and some serious sarcasm. She's sweet and silly and serious and crazy. She's one of those people who has a heart of gold, someone feels deeply and loves people a lot. And she's absolutely beautiful. You can carry a conversation with her about The Avengers, transition into Jane Austen, switch tracks entirely into photography, and then slip into some sarcasm. She's a photographer and she takes artsy, authentic, and very intentional photos that feel like a cross between the beginning of summer and the first of spring. AND I was able to meet her in Texas. While Jessica snapped photos of us, we fell away in groups to take some shots of each other and Mads and I stayed in the parking garage to take some shots of Allix. Sunlight fell in lines and the rumble of cars was just a distant echo on different levels and we took pictures of a girl named Allix B.


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