Tuesday, June 5, 2012

chloe // portraits (and a trip!)

Chloe is my best friend, my taller than me younger twin (no, we're not really twins), movie night buddy, sidekick, random dance party gal, get's-you-in-stitches-of-laughter sister. We were closer than Lucy and Ethel growing up, minus the shenanigans (okay, not totally). She's the spontaneous to my planned, the wild to my calm, the silly to my serious, and she's been my best friend since we clicked around the living room in plastic princess heels with fluffy fake tulle dresses on. She sings The Beatles and One Direction with me, cooks dessert just because, and always has a larger than life plan in place. Her laughter is infectious, her smile is charming, and her heart is beautiful. I love this girl so much. Even when she's irritated that I steal her clothes and I'm frustrated at her for not sharing her fabulous french toast, it doesn't take long before we're laughing again. Usually while we're munching chocolate, because that's just how we roll.

In other news...I'm off to Fargo! I'm heading up to stay with Paola and Camila for a few days. So excited to see them again and can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back! I've been mildly spazzing the past few days, which for me, means running around makeupless, checking things off a to-do list like a crazy person, and breaking out into random song even more often than usual.

oh, and thank you all so much for your sweet birthday wishes! I was blessed and encouraged by each one. you all are the best! xo

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