Wednesday, May 9, 2012

an evening with elijah

Soft summer light bathes the world in warm shades of gold and the grass squishes deliciously under our feet. The air smells like spring and the sky drapes the world in blue. Elijah runs around the backyard, splashing in puddles from rain, dashing to the fence and back, and checking the raspberry bushes to see if any berries have grown yet. He tells me about how he has to put seeds in the puddles and he explains why we have a fence around the raspberry bushes ("to make sure the bunnies don't get the berries, Hannah!").

My frustration from a busy day evaporates immediately as I watch him race around, laughing and enjoying the night air. And his contagious joy reminds me of how we are to live. His unconscious celebration of each day in all its beauty and simplicity, in the midst of the good things and the bad, is natural. I want to remember how it is to live so fully, completely, and simply, and cultivate a spirit of joy and gratefuleness. To be like a child. So as the sun slips golden under the horizon, we walk around the backyard, enjoying the day with its promise of summer and I tell myself, "you remember this."

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