Wednesday, we were snowed in. I woke up to about eight inches and more was falling fast. We couldn't get out of our driveaway, schools all around us were cancelled, so we took a snow day (if you are/were a homeschooler, you will know the magnitude of this statement. I kid, I kid. Slightly. ;). After spending the morning in pajamas, I shoveled the driveaway (still in pajamas), had a five minute snowball fight (which resulted in getting hit in the face with a packed ball of fat water), and tried to regain feeling in my face and fingers.
Ignoring weather warnings, Hayley and I met for coffee in the afternoon, and we chatted for a couple hours over mochas long cooled. I might have also consumed half of a bar of dark chocolate. It's debatable. Later Ellie (check her out, give her a follow, and say hello! or just say, "wait, I blanked!" she'll get it) and I spent several hours skyping and laughing like crazy. Love both of those girls and so glad to have been able to talk!
(Oh, and random tidbit, but when I talk, I talk with my hands. I can't just say, "that's hilarious!" I have to make crazy hand gestures that are similar to a form of my own sign language. These girls talk with their hands too. So we get each other. It's like a prerequisite for friendships -- must talk with hands. Agaaaaain, I kid. ;)
Did you get hit with a blast of snow? Or is it spring where you live? And do you talk with your hands? If so, we should definitely be friends. ;)
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