Monday, January 9, 2012

a little about me.

In the last week or so, the Lord has been doing incredible things in my life. Changing my heart, fueling my fire, filling me with His spirit. I've been overwhelmed and full of joy -- so much joy that I'm torn between singing and crying sometimes. He's given me promises for this year, and I cannot tell you how crazy amazing it is to see Him work in my life. He who promised is faithful, and I'm clinging to that truth. I'm walking forward in faith, and it's exhilarating and terrifying and exciting all at the same time.

I wrote a little about what I'm learning on my tumblr the other day. Two of the biggest things the Lord is showing me are how much I need grace, and how much I don't get grace. I try to earn grace -- I stumble and fall and fail and try to work my way to a gift that was offered freely. He does not say that we are to earn it. It is not an act of works, but a free life-giving gift.
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18
I've been meditating on this verse. The veil between us and the Father is gone, torn away, by the Son. As we walk with Jesus and continually look towards Him, we are being transformed into the same image. We are becoming more like Christ by living with Him! He is filling our hearts and lives as we open our lives to Him. And it's from one degree of glory to the next to the next. Layers and steps and walking alongside Christ on our path till home. We become like Him by being with Him. And He changes us. It's nothing we can do by ourselves. It's His spirit, working in us, doing what we could never do and enabling us to do what we could only dream of.

The more I read the Bible, the more I come away amazed at how it's brimming with truth. It's like being desperate for a drop of water and being given the ocean. I've been praying for a deepening faith, an ever-growing love for my Savior and His people, and for a joy that is contagious. And His spirit, working in me, is opening my eyes, revealing His truth, and giving me a passion for His name. He truly is changing my heart.

I'm full of joy. Ever get a feeling that something is going to rock? That's a term used pretty loosely, so just picture the best day ever and put sprinkles on top of it. Or better yet, top it off with a dollop of whipcream and some raspberries just picked from the garden. That's how I feel about this year. Last year was a defining and refining year. This year is one of blossoms. There's still hard things and bad days and valleys, but I know deeply that this year is going to be a crazy awesome one. Jesus is rocking my socks off and it's only nine days into the new year! I'm overwhelmed with all that He's done and is doing in my life. Overwhelmed and thankful.

So, inspired by Sarah Danaher, here's me. Right here, right now. I'm an analytical artist, extroverted introvert, creamer-in-my-coffee kinda girl, who's a fan of stories, singing at the piano, and lazy hazy summer evenings at Woodland. I like to laugh long, have heart-to-heart talks with friends, and my favorite kind of days are ones with my family. I'm learning what it means to be truly in love with Jesus. I'm learning how to love like He does. I'm learning and growing and blossoming and being and doing.

Even more than that, I am so grateful. For all that He's doing. It's not me, it's all Him. All the glory and praise to Him, always and forever and ever. He is so good and so much more than my words could ever say.

I AM… just Hannah.
I WANT… to change the world, love like Jesus does, and be the woman I was created to be.
I HAVE… a beyond amazing, loving, and completely supportive family.
I KEEP… notes, scraps of paper, journals, ticket stubs, and other whatnot. Also, four billion photos.
I WISH I COULD… travel more.
I HATE… headaches, cold feet, and being late.
I FEAR… needles. I can't stand blood tests.
I HEAR… everything. Music, words, silence -- I can even hear people blink.
I DON'T THINK… that I'll ever be able to cook like my mom.
I REGRET… not spending enough time with my family and wasting time.
I LOVE… Jesus, my family, photography, stories, and a really good cup of coffee with cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
I AM NOT… crafty, always serious, or
I DANCE… ballet in my living room.
I SING… loud, long, and everywhere.
I NEVER… go without breakfast. I like food and I most certainly like it in the morning before starting my day.
I RARELY… sleep in. The latest I've ever slept in is 9:40. No lie.
I CRY WHEN… I'm on the pontoon at Woodland on the last day.
I AM NOT ALWAYS… Neat, tidy, or quiet. In fact, I'm often pretty vocal.
I HATE THAT… celiac disease exists and that people believe the world's definition of beauty.
I'M CONFUSED ABOUT… why it's still green in Minnesota right now. (seriously!)
I NEED… Jesus.
I SHOULD… eat healthier, go to bed earlier, and respond to emails sooner.

That's just me. Who are you? And what has God been doing in your life? Tell me all about it below or shoot me an email. I'd love to hear about it and chat with you! :)

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