Tuesday, December 6, 2011

a December afternoon.

I've probably taken about a thousand photos in the past week alone, and I have oodles of stories to share. In fact, I'm guilty of pre-writing posts -- I have about five in my drafts folder, waiting to be published -- from Christmas decorating, to picking out our tree, thoughts about our family to Christmas candy recipes, and back to the simple days that make up our December.

Cardstock candycanes are taped to our cupboards and snowflakes hang from every available surface. There's a warmth that fills the house despite the winter's chill, and it's not just from the many cups of coffee and steaming cocoa being made (although, there's definitely a fair number of that, as evident by our many mugs in the dishwasher). The Christmas tree is up in our living room, the boughs slowly dropping and the smell filling the air, and Christmas lights reflect off the glimmering snow. Our countdown-to-Christmas chain is losing links everyday and the boys each clamor for their turn to take them down.

Christmas decorations, from the handmade to the items acquired year after year adorn our home. They're homemade and made with love by all of us -- from Sam to my mom. That's what makes them special, and in my book, they're perfect. I remember Eli's face as he showed me his green candycane -- maybe it's mint? -- and Sam getting excited over the snowflakes above the sink. I've said it before -- it's the memories that matter, the moments we save.

Yesterday, we put up the tree and it truly seemed to usher in the Holiday season. I have so many memories of past Decembers, and every year that passes, seems to be better than the year before. Christmas cookie making, tree decorating, going downtown, annual family Christmas parties, snow angels and snow forts that you hoped wouldn't collapse, Christmas carols and cups of hot cocoa heaped with marshmallows -- the month is filled with moments and traditions.

Memories that are passed down in the way we save our Christmas tree stumps and the Christmas cookie cutters from my great-grandma. The many ornaments from when my mom was little and the holiday memories and stockings hanging from the stairs. The traditions that have percolated from generation to generation and make up the heart of who we are. Our family.

Each day that passes makes me more excited for the next. This is truly my favorite time of year. Not because of the material or commercialized holiday things, but because of the traditions and memories and simple days that make up this season. I feel so blessed to be living this life I am with the people I love and a Savior who loves me more than I know.

Happy December!

ps. wanted to spruce up my blog a bit! I've been itching for a change, so I'm excited to finally reveal it. Thoughts?

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