Tuesday, June 28, 2011

not just dreaming — doing

I love being able to type away and find my words slowly unraveling, thoughts untangling and words revealing color. But sometimes I have so much that I want to write that I can't find enough words to adequately express myself. My voice gets caught and my fingers slip and I end up with half finished sentences and words clinging to my thoughts.

Lately, I've been thinking about life. About dreams. And about the desires of our hearts — the things that we so deeply long for that they seem to be God-given gifts, given to be pursued and realized.

Psalm 37:4 says,
Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

So often, I put my desires above the real deal. "Lord, I will read my bible — I truly am planning to spend some time praying, but I'm really busy with this job. I'll do it as soon as I finish!" I procrastinate and put off the important, only to find out that the day is done.

If my dreams and desires are God-given, to fully realize them, I have to be truly living. Delighting myself daily in the Lord — because that is the good life. That is the only type of life where my dreams can be wholly fulfilled.

To live a life recklessly in love with God, we cannot let passion be the only substance to our dreams. Passion without pursuing is dreaming without doing. Reality hits and we're left with soil that's clogged with weeds and rocks; dreams lying dusty amidst rubble. And somehow, we're left without a shovel. Our dreams are planted and buried, the seeds lying dormant in the soil, choked with the weeds of the world.
We are called to be bold witnesses for Christ — to have our love and life be a verb. When we live and serve for God because we love Him, He works through us and does amazing things. Authenticity cannot be disguised — it's not an act of face but the truth of how we live revealed in our everyday walk.

I want to walk everyday with intentionality and purpose. To let my light shine and my good works — the desires of my heart — be seen by men so that I may bring glory to my God. (Matthew 5:16) The deepest desires of our soul can only be realized through a life lived for Christ. Walking daily with Him, amidst bumps and smooth roads.

Letting our love be more than a word, instead, becoming an action. Showing our passion to have purpose, something that we pursue. Living out the truth that this is what we were made for — to be the body of Christ.
Being not only a hearer of the word, but a doer.

Loads of love,

Monday, June 27, 2011

have a question?

I'm currently preparing an FAQ page and in between detailing my camera bag and racking my brain for questions that I've gotten through emails in the last few days, I thought that I'd ask YOU all if you have a question for me.

[17/365] Whatchya thinking, Eli?
elijah and his handdrawn mustache

So shoot! (figuratively speaking here) is there something that you'd like to know? Interested in hearing about our family vacation? Why I started a three six five project in the middle of the year? And where on earth did I get my awesomeness? (oh, please, stop, you'll make me blush. and you know I'm just kidding. ;)

Have at it friends! I'll answer all questions in my FAQ page on Thursday. Happy Monday!

Loads of love,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

laughter, watermelon, and journal-writing

just a few more photos
from my three six five project
number fourteen is my favorite for this week.
I love the contemplative mood, the colors, and the whole feel to the image.

Which image is your favorite so far?

[10/365] "He's one of my biggest heroes..."
[11/365] "Silence is more musical than any song."
[12/365] happy first day of summer!
[13/365]  "Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things."
[14/365] "Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
[15/365] one. two. three. jump!
[16/365] "I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."
loads of love,

ps. A week from today
I'll be
at Woodland.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Meet Hayley.

This is my dear friend Hayley.
We've known each other since third grade. The first time I met her, she carried a white purse covered in polka-dots and was quick to laugh.
She still is.
Our shopping trip yesterday turned into an impromptu photoshoot as we walked underneath a bridge. Glancing at each other, I said, "this would make a great place for pictures." She nodded in agreement and I paused, threw my bags down (literally) and cried, "let's take some photos now!"
We're more of the crazy type.
So we did.
Ignoring the stares of onlookers, we braved the dangers of tick-infested fields and and pouring rain.
I'm exaggerating. It only drizzled.
Moving on.
I've talked, cried, and laughed till my stomach hurt and my face ached from smiling, with Hayley. We've had countless bible studies, sleepovers, and hours spent hanging out, talking about life, faith, and pretty much anything under the sun.
Um, hello lovely! Beautiful inside and out.
Hayley's super smart -- she's considering becoming a scientist. However, she loves photography too and is hoping to purchase her camera soon.
Of couuuurse...she could always go into modeling. I mean seriously -- look at this chica!
She's got a beautiful heart for the Lord and his people. And I'm so blessed by her friendship.

Loads of love,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

stream of consciousness

I kind of want this camera.
Have you heard of the lytro camera? It's a super fast point and shoot camera that captures all the light rays in a scene...which allows you to go back and change the focus after you've taken the shot. Seriously. Click on the photo below and play around with it a bit. Pretty sweet, right? Would love to be able to carry it around in my purse so I don't have to lug around my big camera. ;)

photo from lytro picture gallery


I don't have a green thumb.
I'm not a gardener. Really. I don't mind doing it, but I just haven't taken enough time to learn how to do it properly. But even despite my lack of multi-colored thumbs, I do like looking at blooming flowers. That my mom planted. (her thumbs are permanently stained green, I believe)

About lovely photo.
Thank you for all of your emails! I'm still going through the replies and trying to decide what to do with the meme. Very grateful for your responses and will get back to all of those who emailed me as soon as possible!


I love this kid.
The end.

The Wanderlove Set.
I love photography -- from composing, to shooting, to post-processing. I've been really blessed to have photoshop and I've created some actions that you can now use on your photos! Go here to look at the set. (all photos in this post were processed with Gondola from the Wanderlove set)

Our Father's day project.
For Father's day, we went to my mom's parents and helped work on a project of his; building another shed. I also weeded my grandpa's blueberry patch but decided to not try to tackle his garden. We do this for fun. For family. And for a good homemade (and homegrown) rhubarb crisp for dessert.

Where my heart is.
My heart has been full lately. I'm seeing plans unfold and slowly, I'm seeing my life a little clearer. Where I am versus where I want to be. And what I need to do to get there. Hoping to write out exactly what is on my heart soon.

Any special plans for this lovely Wednesday? A bible study and coffee date is on my agenda, along with ballet later. Love to hear what you're doing!

Loads of love,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a watermelon kind of celebration

just wanted
to wish you
a very happy
first day
of summer!
complete with some watermelon
any special plans for today?
loads of love,