Sunday, March 6, 2011

(excited about this!) Introducing...

Since I stopped Lovely Photo Wednesday, I've kind of been missing seeing all of your lovely photos. And by kind of, I mean really missing it! I loved seeing all the different photos that you all linked up, and in turn, it was fun to meet more of you. The creativity that you all displayed was inspiring and it was a blast to see all the linkups!

That's why I'm extremely excited to announce the arrival of...

One Word Wednesday ( at Aspire )

A few more details...
One Word Wednesday at Aspire
Every week, there will be a a new word. On Wednesday, you can link up your photo with that word. For example, if the word was water, you could link up a photo you took of rain. It's like a photo challenge without any pressure. Just a weekly photo meme link up. Sound fun? Good. :-)

Some guidelines...
  • The photo must be one that you've taken.
  • If you've got multiple linkups/photos, note which one is for One Word Wednesday.
  • Make sure to include the button in your post.
  • And most importantly, make sure to bloghop around a bit and visit and leave a comment on three other entries. It's more fun that way! :-)
This Wednesday will be the start of One Word Wednesday. And the theme for this week?

Joyful ( faces )

With all this gray wintry weather, I would love to see all of your smiling, sunny faces. Got a cute grin from a sibling to share? What about a laugh that you were so excited to capture? Or maybe it's a shy smile from a sweet baby? Whatever the photo, link it up! I'd love to see it.

Linky will be up on Wednesday. I might share a few favorite photos come Friday. We'll see. ;-) So make sure to link your photo up! If you don't, I'll feel bad and will probably take the link down. Hee hee...okay, kidding, but really, the more the merrier! :-) Now, go along and get your photo ready! And remember to swing by on Wednesday to share it with all of us.

Much love.

PS Questions about my mom and my collaboration? No worries! We're going to be posting about it on Sundays instead of Wednesdays, partially due to One Word Wednesday, and also because we're still looking for some ideas. Got a few? Just leave a comment. ;-)

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