Thursday, September 30, 2010

Eli strikes again.

If you remember my miscellany monday, then this shouldn't come as a surprise to you. It shouldn't come to a surprise to me. But here it is.

In the words of Charlie Brown...The Mad Punter strikes again!

I turned on a very sticky camera and found several photos that I couldn't remember taking. And believe me, I know what photos are mine.

These certainly weren't mine.

I questioned all of my siblings...and found that Elijah was the culprit.

That little stinker.

Thankfully he's cute.

On a Side Note...

I've loved looking at all of the lovely photos for the Black and White Portrait Challenge! It's coming to a close tonight, so hurry up and enter. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to choose five out of all those amazing entries--that thought alone is simply mind-boggling!

New photography contest coming up soon. Maybe on Saturday. We'll see.

Snap away, chums! But if you find some photos on your memory card that you most certainly did not take, you'll know the culprit.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's time for another Lovely Photo Wednesday!

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire
Link up your lovely photo and tell us a bit about it, or none at all! Write what you want or don't say anything, but share a picture and link it up below! Then, remember to bloghop around a bit and comment on at least three other entries. Ready? Go!

I'm thinking that these are the last few flowers of the year. With fall coming, it's bye-bye petunias, and hello leaves.

Which is perfectly fine with me. I'll take scarlet, gold, and crimson leaves, crisp air, a cup of coffee or chai and fuzzy woolen sweaters and hats over pink flowers, green fields, shorts and lemonade any day.

This week, I'm going semi wordless. Have a lot on my mind right now, and am fairly tired--but I'm excited to see all of your lovely entries! Link up, friends. And go eat some fudge for me. Think of it as a happy fall present.

Ciao, lovelies.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Miscellany Monday

1. I have recently fallen in love with I Love Lucy
There's something about the show that's so hilarious! And it's refreshing how clean it is; which isn't surprising, considering it was made in Fifties. Yet clean doesn't mean censored--rather, it's funnier, especially when you think of that's what they watched back then. And here's a fun fact for you--when Lucy was pregnant, there was a large debate over whether or not they could show a pregnant woman on television, or even say the word! They ended up using the word "expecting."

2. Salt melts ice.
If you didn't know that, now you do. I know, we use it on the roads in winter, (at least up North where I live), but seeing it first hand is pretty cool. Take an icecube out and then put a little salt in a small clump on the top. Then watch what happens.

3. Awhile ago, (I think for Miscellany Monday), I wrote that I was giving up cake.
That didn't work out so well.

4. Eli likes to take pictures.
I downloaded the photos from my camera and found that Elijah (that little stinker!) Had gotten ahold of my camera and taken a photo of himself. The result is this blurry shot of this cutie.

5. My Saturday's are gone.
Every Saturday, I'm at the dance studio from 10:30-4:00. From 10:30-11:30, I have pilates, 11:30-1:00, ballet technique, then 1-3, rehearsals for Nutcracker. Then I have to wait for Chloe, (who had a break from 1-2) who has rehearsal from 3-4. Finally, Grace has rehearsal 4-5:30. So yesterday, while she was dancing, Chloe, Mom, Sam and I went to Target.

6. Eli wants a camera.
I just heard my mom talking to Eli upstairs. "Is that Hannah's camera?" She asked. "Yes!" Eli said. This frightens me somewhat. I can't decide if I'm more scared of the thought of him breaking it, or becoming a photography genius. At three.

7. I'm once again going to reference this picture.
Yes. I think I fear the latter in number six.

8. Labor Day Fun.
On Labor Day, my friend Hayley and another friend named Hannah went out to the outlet mall near my house and shopped for a bit. There were some great deals and we had a blast--and ended our shopping experience with lunch at Perkins. Like the brilliant photographer/photo-journalist I am, I documented the entire day. Not. I wish I could say that's how it went, but I've learned that with photography, you're either experiencing the moment, or taking it. I did, however, get this shot of some lights at Perkins--preferably in Bokeh.

9. I was tempted to buy these.
I can't believe I'm putting this photo up. More from our Labor Day fun. I was really tempted to buy these...except for the price. But I think they're kinda cute. Kinda.

10. I need to go write this down.
I will not put embarrassing photos on my blog. I will not put embarrassing photos on my blog. I will not put embarrassing photos on my blog.

11. Oops.
So much for number ten.

Feeling miscellaneous? Go and link up with Carissa!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dear Sam, Happy Birthday.

My sweet brother Samuel turned one yesterday.

Looking at his face, I can't believe that he's so old. I remember when he was little, and had this funny tuft of hair down the middle of his head. There's such a sweet sense of nostalgia when one whispers, "I remember." Because the remembering one thing brings back another, and pretty soon you're drenched in bittersweet memories. Bittersweet, because they are now memories.

Sometimes I still think back to the day where he swallowed a sequin. And I wonder, "what if?" What if? What if the outcome hadn't been good? What if he was gone? So today, and for the rest of my life, I'm praising God that the "what if's" are only that. Praising God for little baby Sammy's life.

These thoughts only make me want to snuggle closer and kiss him. My precious little Sammy boy.

How can you be one already?

Happy Birthday, Sam.

I love you.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Name this photo...


Chloe and our awesome friendly neighborhood spiderman, fondly known as Mason. Engaged in a game of kickball with several other neighbors. I can't decide if Chloe's trying to evade getting "out" or if they're dancing the tango.

My bet is on the tango.

What do you think? What would you caption it?

I'd love to know.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lovely Photo Wednesday - Bokeh on the Ride

It's time for Lovely Photo Wednesday! Join in with any photo that you've taken recently (or even awhile ago) that you simply love. Tell us about it, or maybe just put a photo up and say nothing at all--leave us guessing! And make sure to bloghop around a bit. :-)


Who out there loves Bokeh beside me? Raise your hand and give a holler if you do. This was on the way home from Grandma's house. We celebrated some birthdays, picked some apples, made some apple sauce and pie, and just enjoyed each other. And then the ride home begged for some bokeh.

More on that later.

So what's YOUR lovely photo? Anything that you just took that you've fallen in love with? Or maybe you found a forgotten photo, buried away in your photo album archives on your computer. Whatever it may be, link it up below and share it with us all!

Monday, September 20, 2010

What really matters?

Life is crazy. I rarely have any moments of downtime. There's always some place to be, or something to do. And there's such a sense of hurry, hurry, hurry. Rush, rush, rush. As if I'm always just a bit behind with everything.

And if I stop for a moment, it'll all come crashing down around me. This isn't right. That's not how God wants me to live. What ever happened to the still, quiet moments? Did they just disappear into the hurry?

Yes. They did.

The moments in the early quiet of the mornings are gone; replaced with other things to do. The time that I should be spending with my Savior is gone--pushed aside as if it doesn't matter.

But it does matter. More than anything else, my relationship with Jesus is the most important. My relationship with my Heavenly Father is something that has to be nurtured, cared for. And I have to spend time listening to Him, seeking Him, and praising Him.

Because my God is good. He is so, indescribably good. But if I push him aside and pray only when I'm afraid or have a favor, then that's not a relationship.

That's not life.

In the hurry of everything, I've lost sight of what is really important. Jesus. Family. Relationships. Real, vivid life. These things matter. And when it comes down to it, will I really remember how many hours I did so-and-so each week, or the times that I stopped to play blocks with Sam and Eli. Or to run outside with Brennan and Caleb. Or to laugh and giggle with my sisters. Or to spend time with my mom, or my dad. Or to take moments to tell my family and friends how much I love them--how much they mean to me. And to spend time with them--growing in faith and living life together. Real and whole. Vividly.

What is important? That's what I need to redefine. And Jesus has to be at the core of it; at the center.

Because lately, I've been losing sight of what matters. And I don't want to live a life where it's rush, rush, rush.

I want to live a life that matters.

And Jesus has to be the main focus. Everything else comes after Him. If that means cutting out some things in my life, so be it. I don't need any extra baggage, or any extra activities, or anything that's keeping me from living my life for my Jesus. I want my life to glorify Him, and I want to be completely sold-out. Nothing in my way.

And I need to change how I'm living my life right now. Because it's not working. The hurry, hurry, hurry is deterring me from living life vividly. It's deterring me from my walk with my Savior. It's deterring me from spending time with my family. It's deterring me.

But not any more.

It's my prayer that I'll seek Jesus earnestly, and that I'll spend time doing what's important. That I won't waste my life--that I won't get caught in the rush, rush, rush. That I'll live with Jesus at the center.

What about you?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The winners of the blog design giveaway & the LPW challenge/competition are...

I don't know about you, but the LPW challenge was a blast! Like I said before, I was in awe of the entries. There were several photos that I sincerely loved, but all of the pictures were amazing! And lets not forget the the beautiful photography of SugarBridge who generously gave the winner a pick of any print from her Autumn section.

And the clear winner was Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations, with her photo...

BIG congrats to Traci! And a great job to everybody--like I said, it was fun for me to see all of your lovely photos! Which brings me to a question...Is anyone interested in some photo challenges at Aspire? (this would be in addition to LPW) What do you think about it? Have any ideas? Let me know!

And the results of my blog design giveaway are also in, and the winner is...

Another congratulations to Krystle! (what a pretty name!) You can email me at aspireblog[at]hotmail[dot]com to claim your blog design! To those who didn't win, a good friend of mine will be giving away a blog design shortly, so you have another chance to win. Stay tuned!

Thanks friends! Have a beautiful, blessed Sunday! And since it's Sunday, go and make bread pudding.

What? It's good. We have it all the time.

Try it. You'll be glad you did.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's time to VOTE!

There were so many amazing entries this week! I was just in awe of all the great photos that were linked up--and even more so by everyone's excitement! This was too fun--we'll have to do it again!

And, the winner will receive any autumn print from the fabulous photography genius of SugarBridge. Her pear and parsnips prints are just stunning--but then again, so are all of her photos! Make sure to go and give her shop some love!

And now for the voting. To vote, look through all of the photos and select your favorite (it'll be hard, I know!) then just head over to the poll on the right and select the number corresponding with your favorite entry! (the number/name above the photo are the ones that go with it--just to make sure that's understood.)

1. Farmgirl Writes

2. Life is Beautiful

3. Dorcas @ 4 Sweet Angels

4. Hannah M

5. Buckeroomama

6. a beautiful mess

7. Loving my Life

8. Night Owl Mama

9. Our Precious Jas

10. My Freshly Brewed Life

11. every wish a star

12. Dina @ 4 Lettre Words

13. Sunrise at the Beach

14. Ashley DeLen

15. Ashley Jean

16. LPW - southern style

17. Laney&Gotfreckles?

18. Hannah R Photography

19. rachel @ finding joy

20. Brothers & Tractors

21. Sereina Charise

22. Reaching - OneDay

23. Everyday Ruralty

24. Morning Mist

25. Eyes Are Windows

26. Singing in the Rain

27. Fall. . .

28. Kristi @ LALO *LINKY

29. A Simple Farmgirl

30. Eldarwen @ TFEP

31. The Grand Canyon

32. Christy @ Home-Mom

33. lpw @ libri

34. Forget-me-nots

35. Bree: IBP

36. Caroline

37. Story Without Words (make sure to go look at this one!)

38. Barb Phillips

39. Hannah @ CreativeSpark

40. Hannah @ IrishGirl

41. Sunset Glow

42. they call me mama

43. SONset

44. Big Eyes

45. Emily

46. Ellie

47. Anna @ The Anna Cabana

48. Vi's Dreaming Press

49. Sunset

50. Whimsical Creations

51. Marissa @ Inside

52. Megan @ Me.

53. Mischief and Laughs

54. Take Me By the Hand

55. B Lee

56. MatthewandLarissa

Happy voting!
