Thursday, February 11, 2010

I was featured, a new look, and wanna see me dance?

Lauren Anne featured me in her new series, pen.on.paper.! She emailed me with a fun little writing interview that I filled out--hopefully my answers were helpful/funny/interesting. What I'm getting at is, go check it out. ^^


Okay. I know. I JUST redid my blog.
...but I have an inspiration for a new design which I'm dying to put up. For the sake of you readers, I'll long, I do not know. ;) (here's a little sneak peek)
Loving that color scheme there...nice browns and reds. I admit it. I'm pining for Autumn. 
Yes, Autumn. I miss the colors and the crispness. I'm an autumn gal at heart, baby. ;) 


I figure that you deserve a little look of my ballet, considering I've talked about it enough. ^^
These pictures were taken by Lauren Kastener during our Nutcrakcer dress rehersal. 
I was shepherdess for the class I help teach on Mondays (three and four year olds) and then Soldier Doll for my class. Aren't those sheep cute? I had so much fun working with them...they said and did the funniest things. ;)


And there's my rambling post for tonight. Just wanted to give a little update on some fairly unrelated topics. Okay. Completely unrelated topics. But hey, random posts are fun, right? ^^


  1. I LOVE Autumn too. :) So beautiful! Ah I love ballet, only I myself could NEVER do it, haha!

    Well I actually just found your blog via Lauren Anne. I really like it! :) Beautiful design btw! So you design your blog look yourself?

    ~Sarah Kinsey

  2. That's so cool that you got featured! Thumbs up!

    And the sneak peek looks GORGEOUS. You're a great graphic designer! I'm sure it's going to make my new design pale in comparison! Ha ha!

    Lovely pictures of the ballet! Those little girls are so cute, and you're beautiful! That's really neat!

    You rock!


  3. AWWWW! those ballet pics are cute!

    Can't wait to see you new blog look!

  4. Speaking of randomness =), have you ever heard of the Rebelution?

    They're trying to launch their biggest project yet for their new book Start Here. Anyways, the whole idea is people all pre-ordering this book from on Feb. 23 so that it's ratings will drive way up and many in the secular community will find this Christian book. The cool part is, however many books you commit to buying from Amazon on their site (, they'll give an equal number of copies away to families and ministries that can't afford them!

    Like I said, random, but I think it's an awesome way to get a great book, give someone else a great book, and show people the impact that Christian teens can have on the world!

    Camden =D

  5. I enjoyed reading your interview--your answers were surprisingly similar to some of the things I would have said.

    Lovely pictures. While I was looking at them my sister came up and asked, "What movie are those from?" :D I like your soldier doll costume.

  6. Aww! Those little girls were so cute!!! I tried ballet once when I was little. I didn't even get to my first recital. My ballet teacher was HORRID! But then I moved on and eventually wanted to take dance again but didn't.
    How do you make your blog designs? I wanna make one and can't figure it out... :(

  7. Cool! Can't wait to see the new look! ;)

  8. The little girls in their costumes are so sweet! And I'm sure you dance spectacular.

    Can't wait to see your new look! I love redoing my blogs and have the same problem with waiting.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  9. Love the SHOULD have put up that one that I really liked--the ballerina one. Ohhh that one was SO pretty.

    Hey, you got like six comments on a random post which was more then I got on a "deep" post. Your blog is SO not dying.

    Love you,

  10. Hi Hannah! It's such a blessing to meet you. Thanks for following my blog. I haven't even had a chance to say hi to Bekah yet, but I did sign up as a follower and will do the same for you. I'm proud of you for having a heart for Jesus. We're sisters you know! I have 3 blogs and hope you can find some inspiration in one of those, but I have a feeling this old lady is going to learn a lot from you! I'm doing the year in photos too. That's one of my blogs. I'm not good at it yet, but hope to be. Anyway, I'll stop in again! Blessings to you!

  11. Thank you for sharing some of your ballet with us. You are beautiful!

    And the 'sneak peek' is lovely. You should go for it.

  12. Can't wait to see the new background/look.

  13. Hi, it's Emma. From now on, every Monday on my blog Summer Girl will feature a new weekly event called Commenter's Monday. In this event, I will post about one commenter that I think deserves the post. The first part: why I chose them to be featured on Commenter's Monday. Second: a short interview with them. Third: A snapshot of their blog.
    Please visit to see this! Go to Thanks!


  14. i like spring best... how's cadia going?

  15. Oooh, I like the ballet pictures! I dance too, and it's always fun to see other people. You keep your shoulders down really well. :D Are you on pointe? I have been for almost 2 years now. And the little girls are so cute! :)

    And I like the new look as well!

  16. I love autumn too!
    The ballet is beautiful! I lover your costume:]

  17. First of all: The interview was GREAT! You had some really good things to say, and you said them well. (I agree with you about it's/its, etc.)

    Second: I say go for the new blog theme. I love autumn. Actually, I love all four seasons, so you can't really go wrong...

    Third: The pictures are lovely! I don't know much about ballet, but I'd say that you look like a great dancer. :) And the little sheep are adorable!


  18. Random posts are cool! They often elicit random comments. ;)
    I love your new blog design ideas! I am an autumn girl at heart too. You are really talented at making these blog backgrounds & designs and such! I would so love a new background & layout if you were willing to make me one. :)
    And your ballet pictures with the little "sheep" are so cute!

    Love & hugs,


  19. oh my God... they look so cute... love ballerinas!

  20. Very cool! I loved the little preview =) Can't wait to see it on your blog!
    Aw! Those little kids are SOOOOO cute!!!!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures! I LOVED them =D

    Love ya!

  21. So what else are you going to be in the nutcracker? My little sister takes ballet. She was in the nutcracker this year and she was an angel. I bet you are a wonderful dancer. :)

